Burgs is valid Scrabble Word

Is burgs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is burgs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BURGS in dictionary:

Words related to BURGS


Words that contain BURGS

coburgs12 hamburgs16 homburgs16 osnaburgs12

How to use BURGS in a sentence

Similar words containing BURG without suffix s

burg7 burgh11 burgee9 burger9 burghs12 burgle9 burgoo9 coburg11 burgage11 burgees10 burgeon10 burgers10 burgess10 burghal13 burgher13 burghul13 burglar10 burgled11 burgles10 burgoos10 burgout10 coburgs12 hamburg15 homburg15 burgages12 burganet11 burgeons11 burghers14 burghuls14 burglars11 burglary14 burgling12 burgonet11 burgouts11 burgrave14 burgundy15 hamburgs16 homburgs16 osnaburg11 burganets12 burgeoned13 burgesses12 burglared13 burgonets12 burgraves15 hamburger17 osnaburgs12 soyburger15 beefburger18 burgeoning14 burglaries13 burglaring14 burglarise13 burglarize22 burgundies14 comburgess17 fishburger19 hamburgers18 limburgite15 vegeburger17 hamburgher21 soyburgers16 antiburglar14 beefburgers19 burglarious14 burglarised15 burglarises14 burglarized24 burglarizes23 burgomaster16 fishburgers20 limburgites16 vegeburgers18 hamburghers22 antiburglary18 burglarising16 burglarizing25 burglarproof20 burgomasters17 cheeseburger20 comburgesses19 veggieburger20 burglariously19 cheeseburgers21 veggieburgers21
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