Beringed is valid Scrabble Word

Is beringed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is beringed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BERINGED in dictionary:

How to use BERINGED in a sentence

Similar words containing BERING without suffix ed

sabering11 sobering11 tabering11 umbering13 barbering14 cambering16 cumbering16 gibbering15 jabbering21 jibbering21 limbering14 lumbering14 numbering14 rubbering14 sombering14 timbering14 yabbering17 blabbering17 blubbering17 camberings17 chambering20 clabbering17 clambering17 clobbering17 jabberings22 lumberings15 numberings15 scumbering17 slabbering15 slobbering15 slubbering15 slumbering15 soberingly16 timberings15 unsobering13 gibberings16 chamberings21 encumbering18 incumbering18 jabberingly26 lumberingly19 remembering18 renumbering16 slubberings16 slumberings16 unlimbering16 beslobbering19 beslubbering19 discumbering20 dismembering20 misnumbering19 outnumbering17 prenumbering19 slubberingly20 slumberingly20 unslumbering17 encumberingly23 incumberingly23 lumberingness18 unremembering20 disencumbering22 disremembering22 misremembering23 lumberingnesses20
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