Ake is valid Scrabble Word

Is ake a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ake valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for AKE in dictionary:

Words related to AKE

aked9 akes8 aking10

Words that contain AKE

aked9 akee8 akes8 bake10 cake10 fake11 hake11 jake15 lake8 make10 rake8 sake8 take8 wake11 akees9 akela9 akene9 awake12 baked12 baken11 baker11 bakes11 brake11 caked12 cakes11 cakey14 crake11 daker10 drake10 faked13 faker12 fakes12 fakey15 flake12 hakea12 hakes12 jakes16 jakey19 laked10 laker9 lakes9 maker11 makes11 naked10 naker9 oaked10 oaken9 oaker9 poake11 quake18 raked10 rakee9 raker9 rakes9 saker9 sakes9 shake12 slake9 snake9 spake11 stake9 taken9 taker9 takes9 waked13 waken12 waker12 wakes12 jaker16 akeake14 akebia12 akedah14 akelas10 akenes10 ashake13 aslake10 awaked14 awaken13 awakes13 bakers12 bakery15 beaked13 beaker12 berake12 betake12 boaked13 braked13 brakes12 comake14 craked13 crakes12 dakers11 drakes11 fakeer13 fakers13 fakery16 fakeys16 flaked14 flaker13 flakes13 flakey16 Show more ...

How to use AKE in a sentence

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