E Scrabble Letter Values

The letter E has 1 point and 12 tiles in the Scrabble game.

OTCWL2014 (USA, Canada and Thailand)
CSW15 (English in most countries)

An example of words containing the letter E:

Top 2 Letter words with E
ex9 ew5 eh5 ef5 we5 fe5 ye5 he5 me4 pe4 em4 be4 de3 ed3 ee2 et2 es2 er2 ne2 oe2

Top 3 Letter words with E
zex19 zek16 yez15 fez15 bez14 kex14 zep14 vex13 zed13 wex13 yex13 jew13 hex13 zen12 lez12 rez12 zel12 zee12 sez12 zea12

Top 4 Letter words with E
mezz24 zeze22 lezz22 jeez20 zyme18 jeux18 chez18 zerk17 zeks17 jeff17 quey16 oyez16 haze16 fuze16 faze16 zeps15 zebu15 quep15 prez15 pize15

Top 5 Letter words with E
fezzy29 bezzy28 lezzy26 mezzo25 mezze25 zizel23 zezes23 zazen23 zanze23 tazze23 ozzie23 lezza23 zexes21 zaxes21 jeeze21 avyze20 zymes19 xerox19 mazey19 jokey19

Top 6 Letter words with E
bezazz35 zizzed34 zizzle33 zizzes33 jazzed32 jizzes31 jazzes31 jazzer31 wazzed28 hizzed28 fuzzed28 fizzed28 fezzed28 wuzzle27 wizzes27 wizzen27 wazzes27 vizzie27 queazy27 muzzed27

Top 7 Letter words with E
bezzazz45 pzazzes36 zizzled35 quizzed35 zizzles34 quizzes34 quizzer34 jazzmen34 whizzed32 jazzier32 jazzers32 whizzes31 whizzer31 chizzed31 phizzes30 mezuzah30 chizzes30 chazzen30 wuzzled29 vizzied29

Top 8 Letter words with E
quizzery38 pizzazes37 pizazzes37 pazazzes37 jazzlike37 bizazzes37 bezazzes37 bazazzes37 vajazzle36 squizzes35 quizzers35 quazzier35 jazziest33 huzzahed33 zamzawed32 whizzier32 whizzers32 mezuzoth31 mezuzahs31 chazzens31

Top 9 Letter words with E
pizzazzes47 pazzazzes47 bezzazzes47 fuzzboxes39 vajazzled38 vajazzles37 quazziest36 jazziness34 humbuzzes34 chazzenim34 bumfuzzle34 whizziest33 puzzledly33 pizzalike33 shimozzle32 shemozzle32 schnozzle32 schnozzes32 schizzier32 razzberry32

Top 10 Letter words with E
quizzified41 quizzifies40 quizziness37 quizzeries37 hackerazzi37 zizyphuses36 showbizzes36 bumfuzzled36 schemozzle35 bumfuzzles35 zugzwanged34 zigzaggery34 shemozzled34 buzzkiller34 shlemozzle33 shimozzles33 shemozzles33 schnozzles33 schizziest33 puzzledoms33

Top 11 Letter words with E
zwischenzug38 hackerazzis38 showbizzier37 schemozzled37 hydroxyzine37 schemozzles36 jazzinesses36 shlemozzled35 shemozzling35 buzzkillers35 shlemozzles34 objectivize34 morbidezzas34 jickajogged34 jabberwocky34 belshazzars34 stalkerazzo33 stalkerazzi33 schizophyte33 puzzlements33

Top 12 Letter words with E
razzmatazzes50 zwischenzugs39 quizzinesses39 showbizziest38 schemozzling38 hydroxyzines38 puzzleheaded37 shlemozzling36 objectivized36 katzenjammer36 embezzlement36 zygapophyses35 subjectivize35 quelquechose35 objectivizes35 bedazzlement35 schizophytes34 photooxidize34 hexametrized34 exchequering34

Top 13 Letter words with E
razzamatazzes51 subjectivized37 objectivizing37 katzenjammers37 embezzlements37 zygapophyseal36 tachyphylaxes36 subjectivizes36 squeezability36 schizomycetic36 quelquechoses36 photooxidized36 hypopharynxes36 benzimidazole36 bedazzlements36 zigzaggedness35 thymectomized35 psychoanalyze35 photooxidizes35 hexametrizing35

Top 14 Letter words with E
quizzicalities43 quinquivalency40 quinquevalency40 nebuchadnezzar40 methoxybenzene40 subjectivizing38 schizophyceous38 quaquaversally38 quinquivalence37 quinquevalence37 psychoanalyzed37 hypophysectomy37 hypercivilized37 benzodiazepine37 benzimidazoles37 zinziberaceous36 ventriloquized36 thymectomizing36 psychoanalyzes36 psychoanalyzer36

Top 15 Letter words with E
oxyphenbutazone41 nebuchadnezzars41 methoxybenzenes41 zygophyllaceous38 quinquivalences38 quinquevalences38 benzodiazepines38 zigzaggednesses37 ventriloquizing37 psychoanalyzers37 metaphysicizing37 hyperimmunizing37 hypercriticized37 hydroxybutyrate37 cyclohexylamine37 apophthegmatize37 zinjanthropuses36 schizophrenetic36 monophthongized36 hyperphysically36

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