Xu is valid Scrabble Word

Is xu a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is xu valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for XU in dictionary:

Words related to XU


Words that contain XU

exul11 exude13 exuls12 exult12 exurb14 mixup16 nexus12 taxus12 exuded15 exudes14 exults13 exurbs15 exuvia16 fixure16 luxury16 mixups17 plexus15 sexual13 asexual14 exudate15 exuding16 exulled15 exulted15 exurban16 exurbia16 exuviae17 exuvial17 exuvium19 fixures17 flexure17 nexuses14 plexure16 amplexus19 annexure15 bisexual17 exudates16 exulling16 exultant15 exulting16 exurbias17 exuviate18 flexuose18 flexuous18 flexural18 flexures18 luxuries15 luxurist15 plexures17 plexuses17 sexually18 unsexual15 amphioxus23 annexures16 asexually19 bisexuals18 complexus22 deflexure20 exuberant18 exuberate18 exudation17 exudative20 exultance18 exultancy21 exuviated20 exuviates19 inflexure19 luxuriant16 luxuriate16 luxurious16 luxurists16 nonsexual16 pansexual18 sexualise16 sexualism18 sexualist16 sexuality19 sexualize25 unisexual16 ambisexual21 ambosexual21 amplexuses21 antisexual17 asexuality20 bisexually22 deflexures21 exuberance21 exuberancy24 exuberated20 exuberates19 exudations18 exulcerate19 exultances19 exultantly20 exultation17 exultingly21 exurbanite19 exuviating21 exuviation20 flexuously23 homosexual22 implexuous21 Show more ...
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