Witched is valid Scrabble Word

Is witched a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is witched valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WITCHED in dictionary:

Words related to WITCHED

witch13 witches15 witching17

Words that contain WITCHED

switched17 twitched17 bewitched20 unwitched18

How to use WITCHED in a sentence

Similar words containing WITCH without suffix ed

witch13 switch14 twitch14 witchy17 bewitch17 cowitch17 switchy18 twitchy18 unwitch15 witchen15 witches15 switched17 switchel16 switcher16 switches16 twitched17 twitcher16 twitches16 witchens16 witchery19 witchier16 witching17 bewitched20 bewitcher19 bewitches19 cowitches19 dipswitch20 dowitcher18 switchels17 switchers17 switchier17 switching18 switchman19 switchmen19 twitchers17 twitchier17 twitchily20 twitching18 unwitched18 unwitches17 witchetty20 witchhood21 witchiest17 witchings18 witchknot21 witchlike21 witchweed21 bewitchers20 bewitchery23 bewitching21 dowitchers19 switchable20 switchback26 switcheroo18 switchgear19 switchgirl19 switchiest18 switchings19 switchlike22 switchover21 switchyard22 twitchiest18 twitchings19 unwitching19 witchbroom22 witchcraft23 witcheries18 witchgrass19 witchhoods22 witchingly22 witchknots22 witchweeds22 angletwitch20 bewitchment23 cesarewitch21 dipswitches22 microswitch23 switchbacks27 switchblade22 switchboard22 switcheroos19 switchgears20 switchgirls20 switchgrass20 switchovers22 switchyards23 witchbrooms23 witchcrafts24 witchetties19 bewitcheries22 bewitchingly26 bewitchments24 carriwitchet22 switchbacked29 switchblades23 switchboards23 tsesarewitch20 witchgrasses21 angletwitches22 carriwitchets23 cesarewitches23 microswitches25 switchbacking30 switchgrasses22 tsesarewitches22
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