Urb is valid Scrabble Word

Is urb a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is urb valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for URB in dictionary:

Words related to URB


Words that contain URB

burb8 curb8 urbs6 urbe6 blurb9 burbs9 courb9 curbs9 exurb14 slurb7 turbo7 urban7 urbex14 urbia7 blurbs10 burble10 burbly13 burbot10 courbs10 curbed11 curber10 durbar9 exurbs15 refurb11 rurban8 slurbs8 suburb10 surbed9 surbet8 turban8 turbid9 turbit8 turbos8 turbot8 uncurb10 urbane8 urbias8 blurbed12 bourbon11 burbled12 burbler11 burbles11 burbots11 courbed12 curbers11 curbing12 disturb10 durbars10 exurban16 exurbia16 furball12 furbish15 kurbash16 perturb11 refurbs12 slurban9 suburbs11 surbase9 surbate9 surbeds10 turband10 turbans9 turbant9 turbary12 turbeth12 turbine9 turbith12 turbits9 turbond10 turbots9 uncurbs11 urbaner9 urbexes16 biturbo11 blurbing13 blurbist12 boomburb16 bourbons12 burblers12 burblier12 burbling13 conurban12 conurbia12 courbing13 cucurbit14 curbable14 curbings13 curbless12 curbside13 disturbs11 exurbias17 fourball13 furballs13 furbelow16 inurbane10 kourbash17 nonurban10 perturbs12 purblind13 refurbed14 sourball10 suburban12 suburbed13 suburbia12 surbahar13 surbased11 surbases10 surbated11 surbates10 turbands11 turbaned11 turbants10 turbeths13 turbidly14 turbinal10 turbined11 turbines10 turbiths13 turbocar12 turbofan13 turbojet17 turbonds11 uncurbed13 unturbid11 urbanely13 urbanest10 urbanise10 urbanism12 urbanist10 urbanite10 urbanity13 urbanize19 wellcurb15 biturbos12 antiurban11 bioturbed14 blurbists13 boomburbs17 burbliest13 burblings14 conurbias13 courbaril13 courbette13 cucurbits15 curbsides14 curbstone13 disturbed13 disturber12 fourballs14 furbearer14 furbelows17 furbished18 furbisher17 furbishes17 kurbashed19 kurbashes18 perturbed14 perturber13 pourboire13 refurbing15 refurbish17 semiurban13 sourballs11 suburbans13 suburbias13 surbahars14 surbating12 surbedded14 turbanned12 turbaries11 turbidite12 turbidity15 turbinals11 turbinate11 turbocars13 turbofans14 turbojets18 turboprop15 turbulent11 uncurbing14 urbanised12 urbanises11 urbanisms13 urbanists11 urbanites11 urbanized21 urbanizes20 wellcurbs16 bourbonism16 colourbred15 courbarils14 courbettes14 cucurbital16 curbstones14 disturbant13 disturbers13 disturbing14 exurbanite19 furbearers15 furbelowed19 furbishers18 furbishing19 interurban12 inurbanely15 inurbanity15 kourbashed20 kourbashes19 kurbashing20 masturbate14 perturbant14 perturbate14 perturbers14 perturbing15 pourboires14 purblindly18 surbedding15 tourbillon12 turbidites13 turbidness13 turbinated13 turbinates12 turboprops16 turboshaft18 turbulator12 turbulence14 turbulency17 uncurbable16 urbaneness12 urbanising13 urbanistic14 urbanities12 urbanizing22 urbanology16 bourbonisms17 colourbreed16 conurbation15 disturbance16 disturbants14 exurbanites20 furbelowing20 inturbidate14 kourbashing21 masturbated16 masturbates15 masturbator15 perturbable17 perturbably20 perturbance17 perturbants15 perturbated16 perturbates15 perturbator15 perturbedly19 refurbished20 refurbisher19 refurbishes19 suburbanise15 suburbanism17 suburbanite15 suburbanity18 suburbanize24 surbasement15 surturbrand14 tourbillion13 tourbillons13 turbidities14 turbination13 turboshafts19 turbulators13 turbulences15 turbulently16 undisturbed15 unperturbed16 bioturbated16 interurbans13 bioturbation16 colourbreeds17 conurbations16 disturbances17 disturbative18 disturbingly19 inturbidated16 inturbidates15 inurbanities14 masturbating17 masturbation16 masturbators16 masturbatory19 nonturbulent14 perturbances18 perturbating17 perturbation16 perturbative19 perturbators16 perturbatory19 perturbingly20 purblindness17 refurbishers20 refurbishing21 suburbanised17
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