Words with Friends Score Calculator




Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.


info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with URB

burb8 curb8 urbs6 urbe6 blurb9 burbs9 courb9 curbs9 exurb14 slurb7 turbo7 urban7 urbex14 urbia7 blurbs10 burble10 burbly13 burbot10 courbs10 curbed11 curber10 durbar9 exurbs15 refurb11 rurban8 slurbs8 suburb10 surbed9 surbet8 turban8 turbid9 turbit8 turbos8 turbot8 uncurb10 urbane8 urbias8 blurbed12 bourbon11 burbled12 burbler11 burbles11 burbots11 courbed12 curbers11 curbing12 disturb10 durbars10 exurban16 exurbia16 furball12 furbish15 kurbash16 perturb11 refurbs12 slurban9 suburbs11 surbase9 surbate9 surbeds10 turband10 turbans9 turbant9 turbary12 turbeth12 turbine9 turbith12 turbits9 turbond10 turbots9 uncurbs11 urbaner9 urbexes16 biturbo11 blurbing13 blurbist12 boomburb16 bourbons12 burblers12 burblier12 burbling13 conurban12 conurbia12 courbing13 cucurbit14 curbable14 curbings13 curbless12 curbside13 disturbs11 exurbias17 fourball13 furballs13 furbelow16 inurbane10 kourbash17 nonurban10 perturbs12 purblind13 refurbed14 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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