Tron is valid Scrabble Word

Is tron a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tron valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for TRON in dictionary:

Words related to TRON

trone5 trons5

Words that contain TRON

trona5 tronc7 trone5 tronk9 trons5 citron8 intron6 latron6 matron8 natron6 patron8 strond7 strong7 tronas6 troncs8 trones6 tronks10 biotron9 cistron9 citrons9 diatron8 elytron10 estrone7 introns7 isotron7 krytron14 latrons7 matrons9 natrons7 neutron7 patrons9 stronds8 waitron10 nitrone7 nitrons7 betatron10 bevatron13 biotrons10 calutron10 cistrons10 copatron12 cryotron13 diatrons9 digitron10 dynatron12 electron10 empatron12 estrones8 ignitron9 intronic10 isotrons8 kenotron12 klystron15 krytrons15 matronal10 matronly13 mesotron10 negatron9 neutrons8 oestrone8 optronic12 patronal10 patronly13 patronne10 petronel10 plastron10 plectron12 pliotron10 positron10 retronym13 skiatron12 stronger9 strongly12 strongyl12 strontia8 strontic10 teletron8 tetronal8 tevatron11 waitrons11 nitrones8 astronaut9 astronomy14 betatrons11 bevatrons14 calutrons11 cistronic13 copatrons13 cosmotron13 cryotrons14 cyclotron16 digitrons11 dynatrons13 electrons11 empatrons13 ignitrons10 kenotrons13 klystrons16 magnetron12 matronage12 matronise11 matronize20 mellotron11 mesotrons11 metronome13 negatrons10 neutronic11 oestrones9 optronics13 patronage12 patroness11 patronise11 patronize20 patronnes11 petronels11 phytotron17 plastrons11 plectrons13 pliotrons11 positrons11 resnatron9 retronyms14 semantron11 sigmatron12 skiatrons13 strongarm12 strongbox19 strongest10 strongish13 strongman12 strongmen12 strongyle13 strongyls13 strontian9 strontias9 strontium11 teletrons9 tetronals9 tevatrons12 thyratron15 tiptronic13 astronauts10 astronomer12 astronomic14 chronotron15 citronella12 cosmotrons14 cyclotrons17 electronic14 empatroned15 emplastron14 gastronome13 gastronomy16 headstrong15 hemelytron18 magnetrons13 matronages13 matronhood16 matronised13 matronises12 matronized22 matronizes21 matronship17 matronymic19 mellotrons12 metronomes14 metronomic16 metronymic19 minestrone12 overstrong14 patronaged14 patronages13 patronised13 patroniser12 patronises12 patronized22 patronizer21 patronizes21 patronless12 patronymic19 periastron12 petronella12 phytotrons18 quercitron21 resnatrons10 rhumbatron17 sigmatrons13 strobotron12 strongarms13 stronghold15 strongness11 strongroom13 strongyles14 strontians10 strontiums12 thyratrons16 tiptronics14 trochotron15 ultroneous10 semantrons12 patronlier12 matronlier12 animatronic15 antineutron11 astronautic13 astronomers13 astronomies13 astronomise13 astronomize22 chronotrons16 citronellal13 citronellas13 citronellol13 electronica15 electronics15 empatroning16 emplastrons15 epiplastron15 folktronica20 gastronomer14 gastronomes14 gastronomic16 hemielytron19 hyoplastron19 matronhoods17 matronising14 matronizing23 matronships18 matronymics20 mechatronic20 metronymics20 minestrones13 patronaging15 patronesses13 patronisers13 patronising14 patronizers22 patronizing23 patronymics20 periastrons13 petronellas13 positronium15 quercitrons22 rhumbatrons18 strobotrons13 strongarmed15 strongboxes21 strongholds16 strongpoint14 strongrooms14 strongyloid16 superstrong14 synchrotron19 trochotrons16 patronliest13 matronliest13 animatronics16 antielectron14 antineutrons12 astronautics14 astronomical16 astronomised15 astronomises14 astronomized24 astronomizes23 bioastronomy19 citronellals14 citronellols14 electronicas16 electronvolt17 entoplastron14 folktronicas21 gastronomers15 gastronomics17 gastronomies15 gastronomist15 headstrongly20 hypoplastron22 matronliness14 mechatronics21 metronomical18 olfactronics19 photoneutron17 positroniums16 strongarming16 strongnesses13 strongpoints15 strongyloids17 strongyloses16 strongylosis16 strontianite12 synchrotrons20 technetronic19 ultroneously15 unpatronised15 unpatronized24 antielectrons15 astronautical15 astronomising16 astronomizing25

How to use TRON in a sentence

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