Tater is valid Scrabble Word

Is tater a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tater valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TATER in dictionary:

Words related to TATER

potato8 taters6

Words that contain TATER

stater6 taters6 staters7 upstater10 hesitater12 stateroom11 upstaters11 vrystater15 downstater14 gravitater14 hesitaters13 staterooms12 vrystaters16 downstaters15 gravitaters15

How to use TATER in a sentence

Similar words containing TAT without suffix er

tat3 etat4 stat4 tate4 tath7 tats4 tatt4 tatu4 etats5 state5 stats5 tatar5 tates5 taths8 tatie5 tatou5 tatts5 tatty8 tatus5 batata8 diktat11 estate6 matata8 matatu8 metate8 mutate8 notate6 nutate6 outate6 potato8 rotate6 statal6 stated7 stater6 states6 static8 statim8 statin6 stator6 statto6 statua6 statue6 status6 tatami8 tatars6 taters6 tathed10 taties6 tatler6 tatous6 tatsoi6 tatted7 tatter6 tattie6 tattle6 tattoo6 tattow9 tatued7 tataki10 acetate9 aetatis7 agitate8 agitato8 astatic9 astatki11 batatas9 bistate9 cantata9 cantate9 citator9 costate9 curtate9 dentate8 dictate10 diktats12 ectatic11 estated8 estates7 etatism9 etatist7 evitate10 extatic16 gestate8 guttate8 habitat12 hastate10 imitate9 instate7 lactate9 latitat7 matatas9 matatus9 metatag10 metates9 mutated10 mutates9 mutator9 nictate9 notated8 notates7 notator7 nutated8 nutates7 pectate11 peltate9 portate9 ratatat7 restate7 rotated8 rotates7 rotator7 saltate7 saltato7 scutate9 septate9 statant7 stately10 staters7 statice9 statics9 stating8 statins7 station7 statism9 statist7 stative10 stators7 stattos7 statuas7 statued8 statues7 stature7 statusy10 statute7 tatamis9 tathata10 tathing11 tatlers7 tatouay10 tatsois7 tatters7 tattery10 tattier7 tatties7 tattily10 tatting8 tattled8 tattler7 tattles7 tattoos7 tattows10 tatuing8 testate7 unstate7 upstate9 vittate10 testata7 acetated11 acetates10 aegrotat9 aerostat8 agitated10 agitates9 agitator9 amputate12 annotate8 antistat8 apostate10 appestat12 aristate8 aseptate10 astatide9 astatine8 astatkis12 attentat8 barostat10 betatron10 betatter10 cantatas10 cantates10 capitate12 catatony13 cavitate13 citation10 citators10 citatory13 cogitate11 constate10 corotate10 costated11 cristate10 crostata10 crustate10 cryostat13 denotate9 dentated10 despotat11 dictated12 dictates11 dictator11 digitate10 dilatate9 dotation9 dubitate11 ecostate10 ecstatic12 edentate9 eructate10 estating9 etatisme10 etatisms10 etatiste8 eustatic10 evitated12 evitates11 fetation11 frittata11 gestated10 gestates9 guttated10 guttates9 gyrostat12 habitats13 hastated12 hebetate13 hemostat13 hesitate11 imitated11 imitates10 imitator10 instated9 instates8 irritate8 lactated11 lactates10 latitats8 levitate11 meditate11 metatags11 militate10 misstate10 mutating11 mutation10 mutative13 mutators10 mutatory13 natation8 natatory11 nictated11 nictates10 notating9 notation8 notators8 nutating9 nutation8 nystatin11 optative13 orlistat8 oscitate10 outstate8 pectates12 potation10 potatoes10 potatory13 prostate10 protatic12 punctate12 putative13 pyrostat13 ratatats8 restated9 restates8 rheostat11 rotating9 rotation8 rotative11 rotators8 rotatory11 saltated9 saltates8 saltatos8 sanitate8 sectator10 spectate12 statable10 statedly12 statelet8 statical10 statices10 staticky17 stations8 statisms10 statists8 statives11 statuary11 statured9 statures8 statuses8 statutes8 substate10
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