Roo is valid Scrabble Word

Is roo a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is roo valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ROO in dictionary:

Words related to ROO

kangaroo13 roos4

Words that contain ROO

broo6 proo6 rood5 roof7 rook8 room6 roon4 roop6 roos4 root4 brood8 brook11 brool7 broom9 broos7 buroo7 crook11 crool7 croon7 droob8 droog7 drook10 drool6 droop8 groof9 groom8 karoo9 kroon9 proof10 roods6 roofs8 roofy11 rooks9 rooky12 rooms7 roomy10 roons5 roops7 roopy10 roosa5 roose5 roost5 roots5 rooty8 troop7 trooz14 vroom10 wroot8 brooch13 broods9 broody12 brooks12 brools8 brooms10 broomy13 broose8 buroos8 byroom13 ceroon8 crooks12 crools8 croons8 croony11 croove11 droobs9 droogs8 drooks11 drools7 drooly10 droome9 droops9 droopy12 enroot6 gooroo7 groofs10 grooly10 grooms9 groove10 groovy13 heroon9 hooroo9 jarool13 karoos10 karroo10 krooni10 kroons10 maroon8 proofs11 reroof9 roofed10 roofer9 roofie9 rooked11 rookie10 roomed9 roomer8 roomie8 rooped9 roopit8 roosas6 roosed7 rooser6 rooses6 roosts6 rooted7 rooter6 rootle6 rootsy9 scroop10 seroon6 shroom11 strook10 troops8 unroof9 unroot6 uproot8 varoom11 vrooms11 wroots9 abrooke13 approof14 barroom11 bedroom12 boxroom18 brooded11 brooder10 brooked14 brookie13 broomed12 brooses9 byrooms14 ceroons9 cheroot12 croodle10 crooked14 crooker13 crooled10 crooned10 crooner9 crooves12 dayroom13 disroot8 drooked13 drookit12 drooled9 droomes10 drooped11 enroots7 gadroon9 godroon9 gooroos8 groomed11 groomer10 grooved12 groover11 grooves11 gunroom10 heroons10 jarools14 karroos11 legroom10 maroons9 mudroom12 netroot7 outroop9 outroot7 patroon9 potoroo9 proofed13 proofer12 prootic11 redroot8 regroom10 reproof12 reroofs10 roofers10 roofier10 roofies10 roofing11 rooftop12 rooibos9 rooikat11 rooinek11 rookery14 rookier11 rookies11 rooking12 rookish14 roomers9 roomful12 roomier9 roomies9 roomily12 rooming10 roopier9 rooping10 roosers7 roosing8 roosted8 rooster7 rootage8 rootcap11 rooters7 rootier7 rooties7 rooting8 rootkit11 rootled8 rootles7 rootlet7 scrooch14 scrooge10 scroops11 seroons7 sheroot10 shrooms12 strooke11 sunroof10 sunroom9 taproom11 taproot9 tearoom9 troolie7 trooped10 trooper9 unroofs10 unroost7 unroots7 uproots9 varooms12 vroomed13 wrooted11 hooroos10 troopie9 abrooked15 abrookes14 airproof13 alumroot10 anteroom10 approofs15 backroom18 ballroom12 barrooms12 bathroom15 bedrooms13 beetroot10 bigaroon11 boxrooms19 brooched16 brooches15 brooders11 broodier11 broodily14 brooding12 brookies14 brooking15 brookite14 brooklet14 broomier12 brooming13 buckaroo16 buckeroo16 chatroom15 chayroot16 cheroots13 clubroom14 clubroot12 coatroom12 cookroom16 croodled12 croodles11 crookery17 crookest14 crooking15 crooling11 crooners10 croonier10 crooning11 darkroom15 dayrooms14 disproof14 disroots9 droogish13 drooking14 droolier9 drooling10 droopier11 droopily14 drooping12 engroove12 enrooted9 fireroom13 gadroons10 gambroon13 gillaroo9 godroons10 gombroon13 groolier9 groomers11 grooming12

How to use ROO in a sentence

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