Rerigs is valid Scrabble Word

Is rerigs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rerigs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RERIGS in dictionary:

Words related to RERIGS

rerig6 rerigged11 rerigging12

Similar words containing RIG without suffix s and without prefix re

rig4 brig7 frig8 grig6 prig7 rigg6 rigs5 trig5 brigs8 derig7 frigs9 grigs7 prigs8 rerig6 riggs7 right9 rigid7 rigol6 rigor6 sprig8 strig6 trigo6 trigs6 unrig6 aright10 bright12 brigue9 derigs8 dirige8 friges10 fright13 frigid11 frigot10 grigri8 origan7 origin7 outrig7 rigged9 rigger8 righto10 rights10 righty13 rigids8 riglin7 rigoll7 rigols7 rigors7 rigour7 rigout7 runrig7 sprigs9 striga7 strigs7 trigly10 trigon7 trigos7 unrigs7 wright13 alright11 ardrigh12 brigade11 brigand11 brights13 brigued11 brigues10 diriges9 frigate11 frigged13 frigger12 frights14 frigots11 garigue9 grigged11 grigris9 headrig12 larigan8 origami10 origane8 origans8 origins8 outrigs8 perigee10 perigon10 porrigo10 prigged12 prigger11 prurigo10 riggald10 riggers9 rigging10 riggish12 righted12 righten11 righter11 rightly14 rigider9 rigidly12 rigling9 riglins8 rigolls8 rigours8 rigouts8 runrigs8 shright14 spriggy14 spright13 strigae8 strigil8 trigamy13 trigged10 trigger9 triglot8 trigons8 trigram10 unright11 upright13 wriggle12 wriggly15 wrights14 rightos11 aborigen11 aborigin11 affright18 ardrighs13 bedright15 berrigan11 brigaded13 brigades12 brigalow14 brigands12 brighten14 brighter14 brightly17 briguing12 derigged12 dirigent10 dirigism12 erigeron9 florigen12 frigates12 friggers13 frigging14 frighted16 frighten15 frigider13 frigidly16 garigues10 garrigue10 grigging12 harigals12 headrigs13 intrigue9 irrigate9 kirigami15 larigans9 larrigan9 madrigal12 marigold12 marigram13 nonrigid10 origamis11 origanes9 origanum11 original9 outright12 oystrige12 perigeal11 perigean11 perigees11 perigone11 perigons11 perigyny17 porrigos11 priggers12 priggery15 prigging13 priggish15 priggism14 prurigos11 quadriga19 rerigged11 rigadoon10 rigatoni9 rigaudon10 riggalds11 riggings11 rightens12 righters12 rightest12 rightful15 rightier12 righties12 righting13 rightish15 rightism14 rightist12 rigidest10 rigidify16 rigidise10 rigidity13 rigidize19 riglings10 rigorism11 rigorist9 rigorous9 scriggle12 scriggly15 shrights15 sprigged13 sprigger12 sprights14 sterigma11 strigate9 strigged11 strigils9 strigine9 strigose9 triggers10 triggest10 trigging11 triglots9 triglyph17 trigness9 trigonal9 trigonic11 trigrams11 trigraph14 unbright14 unrigged11 unrights12 uprights14 warrigal12 wriggled14 wriggler13 wriggles13 trigones9 aborigens12 aborigine12 aborigins12 affrights19 bedrights16 berrigans12 brigadier13 brigading14 brigalows15 brigandry16 brightens15 brightest15 brightish18 briguings13 catrigged14 copyright20 corrigent12 derigging13 dirigible13 dirigisme13 dirigisms13 dirigiste11 downright17 erigerons10 eyebright18 florigens13 frigatoon13 friggings15 frightens16 frightful19 frighting17 frigidest14 frigidity17 garrigues11 harigalds14 intrigant10 intrigued11 intriguer10 intrigues10 irrigable12 irrigably15 irrigated11 irrigates10 irrigator10 irriguous10 kirigamis16 larrigans10 madrigals13 marigolds13 marigrams14 marigraph17 origanums12 originals10 originate10 outrigged12 outrigger11 overrigid14 oystriges13 perigones12 perigonia12 priggings14 priggisms15 quadrigae20 quadrigas20
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