Remised is valid Scrabble Word

Is remised a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is remised valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REMISED in dictionary:

Words related to REMISED

remise8 remises9 remising11

Words that contain REMISED


Similar words containing MIS without suffix ed and without prefix re

mis5 amis6 mise6 miso6 miss6 mist6 amiss7 camis9 kamis11 kumis11 misch12 misdo8 miser7 mises7 misgo8 misos7 missa7 missy10 mists7 misty10 ramis7 semis7 simis7 sumis7 tamis7 agamis9 amises8 animis8 bemist10 camisa10 camise10 cnemis10 commis12 demise9 demiss9 demist9 dermis9 elemis8 exomis15 famish14 fermis11 filmis11 gummis11 kermis12 koumis12 kumiss12 lamish11 misact10 misadd10 misaim10 misate8 miscue10 miscut10 misdid10 miseat8 misere8 misers8 misery11 misfed12 misfit11 mishap13 mishit11 mishmi13 miskal12 misken12 miskey15 mislay11 misled9 mislie8 mislit8 mismet10 mispen10 missae8 missal8 missaw11 missay11 missed9 missee8 missel8 misses8 misset8 missis8 missus8 mistal8 misted9 mister8 mistle8 misuse8 misust8 momism12 nomism10 remise8 remiss8 salmis8 swamis11 tamise8 timist8 umamis10 vermis11 alumish12 Show more ...
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