Relocation is valid Scrabble Word

Is relocation a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is relocation valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RELOCATION in dictionary:

Words related to RELOCATION


Words that contain RELOCATION


How to use RELOCATION in a sentence

Similar words containing LOCA without suffix tion and without prefix re

loca6 local7 locale8 locals8 locate8 locales9 locally12 located10 locater9 locates9 locator9 allocate10 alocasia10 colocate12 localise10 localism12 localist10 localite10 locality13 localize19 locaters10 locating11 location10 locative13 locators10 locavore13 nonlocal10 relocate10 xylocarp22 allocable13 allocarpy16 allocated12 allocates11 allocator11 alocasias11 collocate13 colocated14 colocates13 dislocate12 holocaust14 localised12 localiser11 localises11 localisms13 localists11 localites11 localized21 localizer20 localizes20 localness11 locatable13 locations11 locatives14 locavores14 mislocate13 nonlocals11 prelocate13 relocated12 relocatee11 relocates11 relocator11 unlocated12 virilocal14 xylocarps23 holocaine14 allocating13 allocation12 allocators12 bilocation14 collocated15 collocates14 colocating15 delocalise13 delocalize22 dislocated14 dislocates13 halocarbon17 holocausts15 interlocal12 localisers12 localising13 localistic14 localities12 localizers21 localizing22 locateable14 locational12 matrilocal14 mislocated15 mislocates14 patrilocal14 pilocarpin16 prelocated15 prelocates14 reallocate12 relocatees12 relocating13 relocators12 uxorilocal19 colocation14 echolocate17 nonlocally15 holocaines15 allocarpies15 allocatable15 allocations13 bilocations15 collocating16 collocation15 delocalised15 delocalises14 delocalized24 delocalizes23 dislocating15 dislocation14 halocarbons18 holocaustal16 holocaustic18 kilocalorie17 localisable15 localizable24 localnesses13 misallocate15 mislocating16 mislocation15 pilocarpine17 pilocarpins17 prelocating16 reallocated14 reallocates13 relocatable15 relocations13 translocate13 unallocated14 unlocalised14 unlocalized23 xylocarpous25 interlocals13 colocations15 echolocated19 echolocates18 suballocate15 geolocation14 collocations16 delocalising16 delocalizing25 diplocardiac20 dislocatedly19 dislocations15 echolocation19 kilocalories18 localisation14 localization23 locationally17 matrilocally19 megalocardia18 misallocated17 misallocates16 mislocations16 patrilocally19 pilocarpines18 reallocating15 reallocation14 translocated15 translocates14 echolocating20 interlocally17 suballocated17 suballocates16 geolocations15 collocational17 echolocations20 interlocation15 localisations15 localizations24 matrilocality20 megalocardias19 misallocating18 misallocation17 postholocaust20 radiolocation16 reallocations15 suballocation17 translocating16 translocation15 multilocation17 suballocating18 delocalisation17 delocalization26 interlocations16 localisability21 localizability30 misallocations18 radiolocations17 suballocations18 translocations16 multilocations18 delocalisations18 delocalizations27 matrilocalities19 multilocational19 radiolocational18 localizabilitie28 localizabilities29
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