Reived is valid Scrabble Word

Is reived a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is reived valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REIVED in dictionary:

Words related to REIVED

reive8 reives9 reiving11

Similar words containing IV without suffix ed and without prefix re

div7 ivy9 chiv12 cive9 diva8 dive8 divi8 divo8 divs8 five10 give8 hive10 jive14 jivy17 kiva11 live7 riva7 rive7 rivo7 shiv10 spiv9 tivy10 viva10 vive10 vivo10 wive10 aiver8 ajiva15 alive8 bivia10 bivvy16 blive10 chive13 chivs13 chivy16 cives10 civet10 civic12 civie10 civil10 civvy16 divan9 divas9 dived10 diver9 dives9 divis9 divna9 divos9 divot9 divvy15 drive9 fiver11 fives11 gived10 given9 giver9 gives9 hived12 hiver11 hives11 ivied9 ivies8 ivory11 jived16 jiver15 jives15 jivey18 kivas12 knive12 lived9 liven8 liver8 lives8 livid9 livor8 livre8 naive8 neive8 nival8 ogive9 olive8 pivot10 privy13 reive8 rival8 rivas8 rived9 rivel8 riven8 river8 rives8 rivet8 shiva11 shive11 shivs11 siver8 skive12 skivy15 slive8 spivs10 stive8 stivy11 swive11 vivas11 vivat11 vivda12 viver11 vives11 vivid12 waive11 wived12 wiver11 wives11 yrivd12 rivos8 divey12 vivos11 active11 aivers9 ajivas16 arrive9 belive11 bivium13 bylive14 chived15 chives14 chivvy20 civets11 civics13 civies11 civils11 civism13 clivia11 cruive11 dative10 derive10 divans10 divers10 divert10 divest10 divide11 divied11 divine10 diving11 divots10 drivel10 driven10 driver10 drives10 endive10 essive9 fivers12 fixive19 frivol12 givens10 givers10 giving11 glaive10 grivet10 hivers12 hiving13 jivers16 jivest16 jivier16 jiving17 knived14 knives13 livedo10 lively12 livens9 livers9 livery12 livest9 livier9 living10 livors9 livres9 livyer12 motive11 musive11 naiver9 naives9 native9 neives9 ogival10 ogives10 oliver9 olives9 olivet9 pivots11 privet11 qiviut18 quiver18 regive10 reiver9 reives9 relive9 revive12 rivage10 rivals9 rivels9 rivers9 rivery12 rivets9 riving10 rivlin9 saliva9 sative9 scrive11 shivah15 shivas12 shiver12 shives12 shivoo12 shrive12 sivers9 skived14 skiver13 skives13 skivie13 skivvy19 slived10 sliven9 sliver9 slives9 snivel9 solive9 spivvy17 stived10 stiver9 stives9 strive9 suivez18 swived13 swivel12 swives12 swivet12 taiver9 thivel12 thrive12 trivet9 trivia9 unhive12 unlive9 unwive12 updive12 visive12 vivace14 vivaed13 vivary15 vivats12 vivdas13 vively15 vivers12 vivify18 vivres12 votive12 waived13 waiver12 waives12 wivern12 wivers12 wiving13 divisi10 abusive12 actives12 amative12 amusive12 aquiver19 archive15 arrival10 arrived11 arriver10 arrives10 ashiver13 beehive15 bivalve15 bivinyl15 bivious12 bivouac14 bivvied16 bivvies15 bolivar12 bolivia12 caitive12 caliver12 captive14 chivari15 chivied16 chivies15 chiving16 chivved19 civilly15 civisms14 civvies15 clivers12 clivias12 codrive13 connive12
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