Phobias is valid Scrabble Word

Is phobias a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is phobias valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PHOBIAS in dictionary:

Words related to PHOBIAS


Words that contain PHOBIAS

euphobias16 ecophobias19 neophobias17 zoophobias26 acrophobias20 aerophobias18 algophobias19 aquaphobias27 autophobias18 canophobias20 cynophobias23 ergophobias19 europhobias18 genophobias19 gynophobias22 homophobias23 kenophobias22 monophobias20 mysophobias23 nosophobias18 panophobias20 pyrophobias23 sitophobias18 theophobias21 tocophobias20 tokophobias22 toxiphobias25 xenophobias25 zelophobias27 agoraphobias20 anemophobias21 anglophobias20 astraphobias19 astrophobias19 bathophobias24 cyberphobias26 dromophobias22 emetophobias21 erotophobias19 hierophobias22 hydrophobias26 hypsophobias27 necrophobias21 negrophobias20 nyctophobias24 ochlophobias24 pantophobias21 pathophobias24 phagophobias25 phonophobias24 photophobias24 scopophobias23 sitiophobias19 taphephobias24 taphophobias24 haemophobias24 hypnophobias27 transphobias19 aichmophobias27 ailurophobias20 bibliophobias24 cancerphobias24 francophobias25 graphophobias26 odontophobias21 phengophobias26 satanophobias20 scoptophobias24 technophobias25 teratophobias20 toxicophobias29 ailourophobias21 arachnophobias26 arithmophobias26 astrapophobias23 cancerophobias25 erythrophobias27 gerontophobias22 ornithophobias24 syphilophobias29 thanatophobias24 anthropophobias27 batrachophobias29 claustrophobias24 computerphobias28 symmetrophobias29 triskaidekaphobias34

How to use PHOBIAS in a sentence

Similar words containing PHOBIA without suffix s

phobia13 euphobia15 ecophobia18 euphobias16 neophobia16 zoophobia25 acrophobia19 aerophobia17 algophobia18 aquaphobia26 autophobia17 canophobia19 cynophobia22 ecophobias19 ergophobia18 europhobia17 genophobia18 gynophobia21 homophobia22 kenophobia21 monophobia19 mysophobia22 neophobias17 nosophobia17 panophobia19 pyrophobia22 sitophobia17 theophobia20 tocophobia19 tokophobia21 toxiphobia24 xenophobia24 zelophobia26 zoophobias26 acrophobias20 aerophobias18 agoraphobia19 algophobias19 anemophobia20 anglophobia19 aquaphobias27 astraphobia18 astrophobia18 autophobias18 bathophobia23 canophobias20 cyberphobia25 cynophobias23 dromophobia21 emetophobia20 ergophobias19 erotophobia18 europhobias18 genophobias19 gynophobias22 hierophobia21 homophobias23 hydrophobia25 hypsophobia26 kenophobias22 monophobias20 mysophobias23 necrophobia20 negrophobia19 nosophobias18 nyctophobia23 ochlophobia23 panophobias20 pantophobia20 pathophobia23 phagophobia24 phonophobia23 photophobia23 pyrophobias23 scopophobia22 sitiophobia18 sitophobias18 taphephobia23 taphophobia23 theophobiac23 theophobias21 tocophobias20 tokophobias22 toxiphobiac27 toxiphobias25 xenophobias25 zelophobias27 hypnophobia26 haemophobia23 transphobia18 agoraphobias20 aichmophobia26 ailurophobia19 anemophobias21 anglophobiac22 anglophobias20 astraphobias19 astrophobias19 bathophobias24 bibliophobia23 Show more ...
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