Pheer is valid Scrabble Word

Is pheer a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pheer valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for PHEER in dictionary:

Words related to PHEER

fere7 pheers11

Words that contain PHEER

pheere11 pheers11 pheeres12

Similar words containing PHE without suffix er

phew12 ouphe10 phene10 pheon10 phese10 raphe10 tophe10 cipher13 cypher16 ephebe13 ephebi13 gopher12 hyphen17 imphee13 nephew14 ouphes11 pheere11 pheers11 pheese11 pheeze20 phenes11 phenic13 phenix18 phenol11 phenom13 phenyl14 pheons11 phesed12 pheses11 raphes11 rhaphe14 sephen11 sphear11 sphene11 sphere11 sphery14 sypher14 tophes11 upheap13 upheld12 aphelia12 apheses12 aphesis12 aphetic14 cepheid15 ciphers14 coryphe17 cuphead15 cyphers17 ephebes14 ephebic16 epheboi14 ephebos14 ephebus14 ephedra13 ephelis12 gophers13 graphed14 hophead16 humphed18 hyphens18 imphees14 lapheld13 mophead15 morphed15 morphew17 nephews15 nymphed18 nymphet17 pheazar21 pheeres12 pheesed13 pheeses12 pheezed22 pheezes21 phellem14 phenate12 phenols12 phenome14 phenoms14 phenoxy22 phenyls15 phesing13 prophet14 ralphed13 rhaphes15 saphead13 saphena12 sephens12 spheare12 sphears12 sphenes12 sphenic14 spheral12 sphered13 spheres12 spheric14 strophe12 syphers15 telpher12 upheaps14 upheave15 acalephe15 aphelian13 aphelion13 aphetise13 aphetize22 aspheric15 biphenyl18 camphene17 cepheids16 ciphered16 cipherer15 coryphee18 coryphes18 cupheads16 cyphered19 decipher16 diphenyl17 drophead15 encipher15 ensphere13 ephedras14 ephedrin14 ephemera15 euphenic15 gophered15 grapheme16 graphene14 grumphed17 hopheads17 hyphemia21 hyphened20 hyphenic21 insphere13 mopheads16 morphean15 morpheme17 morphews18 nymphean18 nymphets18 oosphere13 paraphed16 pheasant13 pheazars22 pheesing14 pheezing23 phellems15 phelloid14 phelonia13 phenates13 phenazin22 phenetic15 phenetol13 phengite14 phenixes20 phenogam16 phenolic15 phenomes15 phenylic18 phereses13 pheresis13 prophecy20 prophesy18 prophets15 sapheads14 saphenae13 saphenas13 scarphed16 shepherd17 slaphead14 sopheric15 sopherim15 spheares13 sphenoid14 spherics15 spherier13 sphering14 spheroid14 spherule13 strophes13 synaphea16 syphered17 telphers13 thiophen16 trophesy16 uncipher15 unsphere13 upheaped16 upheaval16 upheaved17 upheaver16 upheaves16 acalephes16 anopheles14 aphelions14 aphereses14 apheresis14 apheretic16 aphetised15 aphetises14 aphetized24 aphetizes23 aspherics16 astrophel14 biosphere16 biphenyls19 bisphenol16 blaspheme18 blasphemy21 camphenes18 cipherers16 ciphering17 coryphees19 coryphene19 cosphered17 crisphead17 cyphering20 deciphers17 diphenyls18 dropheads16 ecosphere16 enciphers16 engulphed16 ensphered15 enspheres14 ephedrine15 ephedrins15 ephelides15 ephemerae16 ephemeral16 ephemeras16 ephemerid17 ephemeris16 ephemeron16 epitaphed17 epitapher16 euphemise16 euphemism18 euphemist16 euphemize25 euphenics16 exosphere21 galumphed18 galumpher17 geosphere15 gophering16 graphemes17 graphemic19 graphenes15 harumphed20 hyphemias22 hyphenate20 hyphening21 hyphenise20 hyphenism22 hyphenize29 ingulphed16 insphered15 inspheres14 morphemes18 morphemic20 morphetic18 nepheline14 nephelite14 noosphere14 nymphetic21 nymphette19 oospheres14 periphery19 pheasants14 phellogen15 phelonion14 phenacite16 phenakism20 phenakite18 phenazine23 phenazins23 phenetics16 phenetole14 phenetols14 phengites15 phenocopy21 phenogams17 phenolate14 phenolics16 phenology18 phenomena16 phenotype19 phenoxide22 phenylene17 phenytoin17 pheromone16 phosphene19 prophetic18 sapheaded16 saphenous14 scrapheap18 sheephead18 shepherds18
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