Perv is valid Scrabble Word

Is perv a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is perv valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PERV in dictionary:

Words related to PERV

perve10 perved12 pervert12 perves11 perving13 pervs10

Words that contain PERV

perve10 pervo10 pervs10 pervy13 perved12 perves11 pervos11 pervade13 pervert12 pervier12 perving13 pervaded15 pervader14 pervades14 perverse13 perverts13 perviate13 perviest13 pervious13 pervaders15 pervading16 pervasion14 pervasive17 perverser14 perverted15 perverter14 perviated15 perviates14 pervicacy21 supervene14 supervise14 unpervert14 impervious17 pervasions15 perversely18 perversest15 perversion15 perversity18 perversive18 perverters15 perverting16 perviating16 perviously18 supervened16 supervenes15 supervisal15 supervised16 supervisee15 supervises15 supervisor15 unperverts15 imperviable20 pervasively22 perversions16 pervertedly20 pervertible18 pervicacies20 pervicacity23 sempervivum23 supervening17 supervirile16 supervisals16 supervisees16 supervising17 supervision16 supervisors16 supervisory19 supervolute16 unperverted17 imperviously22 perverseness17 perversities17 pervicacious21 perviousness17 sempervivums24 supervenient17 supervention17 supervisions17 unperverting18 unsupervised18 hyperviscous25 hypervelocity29 hypervigilant25 hypervirulent24 pervasiveness21 pervertedness19 pervicacities22 supervenience20 superventions18 supervirtuosi18 supervirtuoso18 supervirulent18 hypervariable26 hyperventilate25 hypervigilance28 hyperviscosity30 imperviability26 imperviousness21 nonsupervisory22 perversenesses19 perviousnesses19 Show more ...
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