Pertly is valid Scrabble Word

Is pertly a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pertly valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PERTLY in dictionary:

Words related to PERTLY


Words that contain PERTLY

expertly20 inexpertly22 malapertly17

How to use PERTLY in a sentence

Similar words containing PERT without suffix ly

pert6 apert7 perts7 expert15 perter8 experts16 pertain9 pertake13 pertest9 pertook13 perturb11 pertuse9 sexpert16 sperthe12 aperture10 experted18 expertly20 inexpert17 malapert12 overpert13 pertains10 pertaken14 pertakes14 perthite13 pertness10 perturbs12 pertused11 property15 sexperts17 sperthes13 supertax17 unexpert17 apertness11 apertural11 apertured12 apertures11 appertain13 champerty21 experting19 expertise18 expertism20 expertize27 hypertext24 inexperts18 malaperts13 nonexpert18 pertained12 pertaking16 perthites14 perthitic16 pertinent11 perturbed14 perturber13 pertusate11 pertusion11 pertussal11 pertusses11 pertussis11 repertory14 superthin14 supertram13 appertains14 expertised20 expertises19 expertisms21 expertized29 expertizes28 expertness19 hypertense18 hypertexts25 hypertonia18 hypertonic20 inexpertly22 malapertly17 nonexperts19 peppertree16 pertaining13 pertinence14 pertinency17 pertinents12 pertnesses12 perturbant14 perturbate14 perturbers14 perturbing15 pertusions12 propertied15 properties14 repertoire12 supertaxes19 superthick21 supertight16 supertitle12 supertonic14 supertrams14 supertruck18 supertwist15 suppertime16 vespertine15 apertnesses13 appertained16 appertinent15 champerties20 champertous20 disproperty19 expertising21 expertizing30 hyperthermy27 hyperthymia27 hypertonias19 hypertrophy27 impertinent15 peppertrees17 pertinacity18 pertinences15 pertinently16 perturbable17 perturbably20 perturbance17 perturbants15 perturbated16 perturbates15 perturbator15 perturbedly19 pertussises13 propertying19 repertoires13 repertorial13 repertories13 supertanker17 supertitles13 supertonics15 supertrucks19 supertwists16 suppertimes17 unperturbed16 vespertinal16 appertaining17 appertinents16 expertnesses21 hypertension20 hypertensive23 hyperthermal25 hyperthermia25 hyperthermic27 hyperthymias28 hyperthyroid27 hypertrophic27 hypertypical27 impertinence18 impertinency21 inexpertness21 malapertness16 pertinacious16 pertinencies16 perturbances18 perturbating17 perturbation16 perturbative19 perturbators16 perturbatory19 perturbingly20 propertyless19 supertankers18 superteacher19 unpropertied17 vespertilian17 hypertextual27 appertainance19 appertainment19 dispropertied19 disproperties18 hypertensions21 hypertensives24 hyperthermias26 hyperthermies26 hyperthyroids28 hypertonicity26 hypertrophied27 hypertrophies26 hypertrophous26 impertinences19 impertinently20 imperturbable21 imperturbably24 pertinacities17 perturbations17 superteachers20 superterrific20 superthriller18 appertainances20 appertainments20 dispropertying23 hypertrophical29 hypertrophying31 impertinencies20 imperturbation20 inexpertnesses23 malapertnesses18 pertinaciously21 perturbational18 perturbatories18 superterranean16 superthrillers19 vespertilionid20 hyperthyroidism32 hypertonicities25 imperturbations21 vespertilionids21 vespertilionine20 antihypertensiv26 imperturbabilit23 pertinaciousnes19 propertylessnes22 antihypertensive27 imperturbability27 hyperthyroidisms33 pertinaciousness20 propertylessness23 antihypertensives28 pertinaciousnesses22 imperturbabilities26 propertylessnesses25
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