Pated is valid Scrabble Word

Is pated a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pated valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PATED in dictionary:

Words related to PATED


Words that contain PATED

pupated12 cuspated13 palpated13 baldpated15 clodpated15 crispated14 occupated16 addlepated15 apocopated17 dissipated14 exculpated22 extirpated20 forcipated18 inculpated15 mancipated17 nuncupated15 syncopated18 anticipated16 constipated16 disculpated17 emancipated18 episcopated18 dissipatedly19 participated19 preoccupated21 unanticipated18 dissipatedness18 unanticipatedly23 dissipatednesse19 dissipatednesses20

Similar words containing PAT without suffix ed

pat5 pate6 path9 pats6 patu6 paty9 spat6 bepat9 expat14 patch12 paten7 pater7 pates7 paths10 patin7 patio7 patka11 patly10 patsy10 patte7 patty10 patus7 spate7 spats7 patas7 apathy14 bepats10 bespat10 bypath16 cowpat13 epater8 expats15 hypate14 jupati15 pataca10 pataka12 patchy16 patens8 patent8 patera8 paters8 pathed12 pathic13 pathos11 patiki12 patina8 patine8 patins8 patios8 patkas12 patois8 patoot8 patrol8 patron8 patted9 pattee8 patten8 patter8 pattes8 pattie8 pattle8 patzer17 pupate10 spates8 spathe11 zapata17 empath13 apatite9 bespate11 bypaths17 chapati14 chupati14 cowpats14 cuspate11 dopatta10 dupatta10 empathy17 epatant9 epaters9 hepatic14 hypates15 jupatis16 palpate11 patacas11 patagia10 patakas13 patamar11 patball11 patched15 patcher14 patches14 patella9 patency14 patents9 paterae9 pathics14 pathing13 pathway18 patible11 patient9 patikis13 patinae9 patinas9 patined10 patines9 patness9 patonce11 patoots9 patrial9 patrick15 patrico11 patriot9 patrols9 patrons9 patroon9 patsies9 pattens9 pattern9 patters9 pattest9 patties9 patting10 pattles9 patulin9 patzers18 pitapat11 pupated12 pupates11 raupatu9 repatch14 scopate11 spathal12 spathed13 spathes12 spathic14 spatial9 spatted10 spattee9 spatter9 spatula9 spatule9 spatzle18 talipat9 taupata9 towpath15 warpath15 zapateo18 adipate10 allopath13 apatetic12 apathies13 apatites10 baldpate13 basepath15 bepatted13 chapatis15 chapatti15 chappati17 chupatis15 chupatti15 chupatty18 clodpate13 conepate12 conepatl12 copatron12 crispate12 cuspated13 despatch16 dispatch16 dispathy17 dopattas11 dupattas11 dyspathy20 empathic17 empatron12 epatered11 eupatrid11 eyepatch18 footpath16 hepatica15 hepatics15 hepatise13 hepatite13 hepatize22 hepatoma15 mispatch17 myopathy21 occupate14 palpated13 palpates12 palpator12 patagial11 patagium13 patamars12 patballs12 patchers15 patchery18 patchier15 patchily18 patching16 patellae10 patellar10 patellas10 patented11 patentee10 patently13 patentor10 paterero10 paternal10 pathetic15 pathless13 pathname15 pathogen14 pathoses13 pathways19 patience12 patients10 patinaed11 patinate10 patining11 patinise10 patinize19 patootie10 patrials10 patriate10 patricks16 patricos12 patriots10 patronal10 patronly13 patronne10 patroons10 pattamar12 pattened11 pattered11 patterer10 patterns10 pattress10 pattypan15 patulent10 patulins10 patulous10 patutuki14 pitapats12 pupating13 pupation12 racepath15 raupatus10 sidepath14 spatfall13 spathose13 spatlese10 spattees10 spatters10 spatting11 spatular10 spatulas10 spatules10 spatzles19 standpat11 sympathy21 sympatry18 talipats10 taupatas10 telepath13 towpaths16 unpathed14 warpaths16 zapateos19 zoopathy25 allopaths14 allopathy17 allopatry14 amphipath21 antipathy17 apathaton14 apathetic16 apatosaur11 apocopate15 baldpated15 baldpates14 basepaths16 bepatched19 bepatting14 bespatter13 chapaties16 chapattis16 chappatis18 chupattis16 cleopatra13 clodpated15 clodpates14 conepates13 conepatls13 copataine13 copatriot13 copatrons13 crispated14 crorepati13 culpatory16
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