Ous is valid Scrabble Word

Is ous a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ous valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OUS in dictionary:

Words related to OUS


Words that contain OUS

fous7 lous4 mous6 nous4 oust4 sous4 yous7 bouse7 bousy10 clous7 douse6 house8 joust12 louse5 lousy8 meous7 mouse7 moust7 mousy10 ousel5 ousts5 pious7 rouse5 roust5 souse5 thous8 touse5 tousy8 vrous8 youse8 almous8 arouse6 aurous6 awmous11 bayous11 bijous15 blouse8 blousy11 boused9 bouses8 cerous8 chouse11 choush14 comous10 cousin8 crouse8 cymous13 doused8 douser7 douses7 dumous9 famous11 favous12 flouse9 floush12 fogous10 foussa9 fousty12 fucous11 fumous11 gousty10 grouse7 gyrous10 hamous11 housed10 housel9 houser9 houses9 housey12 humous11 iodous7 jousts13 joyous16 kousso10 limous8 loused7 louser6 louses6 lupous8 miaous8 moused9 mouser8 mouses8 mousey11 mousie8 mousle8 mousme10 mousse8 mousts8 mucous10 nodous7 nouses6 nousle6 noyous9 odious7 osmous8 ousels6 ousted7 ouster6 parous8 pilous8 Show more ...

Similar words containing OU without suffix s

ou2 fou6 lou3 mou5 oud4 ouk7 oup5 our3 out3 sou3 you6 bouk10 boun6 bout6 chou9 clou6 coup8 cour6 douc7 douk9 doum7 doun5 doup7 dour5 dout5 doux12 foud8 foul7 four7 fous7 gouk9 gout5 houf10 hour7 hout7 jouk15 jour11 loud5 loun4 loup6 lour4 lous4 lout4 meou6 moue6 moup8 mous6 noul4 noun4 noup6 nous4 nout4 ouch9 ouds5 ouks8 ould5 oulk8 ouma6 oupa6 ouph9 oups6 ourn4 ours4 oust4 outa4 outs4 ouzo13 pouf9 pouk10 pour6 pout6 roue4 roul4 roum6 roup6 rout4 roux11 souk8 soul4 soum6 soup6 sour4 sous4 sout4 thou7 touk8 toun4 tour4 tout4 trou4 vrou7 youk11 your7 yous7 zouk17 about7 afoul8 aloud6 amour7 bayou10 Show more ...
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