Ourn is valid Scrabble Word

Is ourn a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ourn valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for OURN in dictionary:

Words related to OURN


Words that contain OURN

bourn7 mourn7 yourn8 bourne8 bourns8 journo13 mourns8 adjourn15 bournes9 journal14 journey17 journos14 mourned10 mourner9 rejourn14 sojourn14 tourney10 adjourns16 dourness9 journals15 journeys18 mourners10 mournful13 mourning11 rejourns15 sojourns15 sourness8 tourneys11 tournure8 adjourned18 journaled17 journeyed20 journeyer19 mavournin14 mournings12 mournival14 rejourned17 sojourned17 sojourner16 tournedos10 tourneyed13 tourneyer12 tournures9 unmourned12 adjourning19 dournesses11 journalese17 journaling18 journalise17 journalism19 journalist17 journalize26 journalled18 journeyers20 journeying21 journeyman22 journeymen22 mavourneen15 mavournins15 mournfully18 mourningly16 mournivals15 rejourning18 sojourners17 sojourning18 sournesses10 tournament12 tourneyers13 tourneying14 tourniquet19 adjournment21 journaleses18 journalised19 journaliser18 journalises18 journalisms20 journalists18 journalized28 journalizer27 journalizes27 journalling19 journeywork28 mavourneens16 mournfuller16 ritournelle11 sojournings19 sojournment20 tournaments13 tourniquets20 journalings19 adjournments22 journalisers19 journalising20 journalistic21 journalizers28 journalizing29 journeyworks29 mournfullest17 mournfulness17 ritournelles12 sojournments21 winterbourne17 journallings20 pretournament17 winterbournes18 journalisation21 journalization30 mournfulnesses19 parajournalism25 telejournalism23 telejournalist21 pretournaments18 journalisations22 journalizations31 parajournalisms26 photojournalism29 photojournalist27 telejournalisms24 telejournalists22 journalisticall24 journalistically28 photojournalisms30 photojournalists28 photojournalistic31

How to use OURN in a sentence

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