Orc is valid Scrabble Word

Is orc a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is orc valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ORC in dictionary:

Words related to ORC


Words that contain ORC

orca6 orcs6 torc6 force10 orcas7 orcin7 porch12 torch10 torcs7 amorce10 forcat11 forced12 forcer11 forces11 lorcha11 morcha13 orcein8 orchat11 orchel11 orchid12 orchil11 orchis11 orcine8 orcins8 scorch13 torchy14 dorcas9 afforce15 amorces11 corcass11 deforce13 divorce13 ecorche14 efforce15 enforce12 forcats12 forceps14 forcers12 forcing13 futhorc15 gorcock16 gorcrow13 inforce12 lorchas12 minorca11 morceau11 morchas14 orceins9 orchard13 orchats12 orchels12 orchids13 orchils12 orcines9 orcinol9 porched15 porches14 porcine11 porcini11 porcino11 sorcery12 torched13 torcher12 torches12 torchon12 afforced17 afforces16 bescorch17 deforced15 deforcer14 deforces14 divorced15 divorcee14 divorcer14 divorces14 doorcase11 ecorches15 efforced17 efforces16 enforced14 enforcer13 enforces13 ensorcel10 exorcise17 exorcism19 exorcist17 exorcize26 forcedly17 forceful16 forceout13 forcible15 forcibly18 forcipes15 futhorcs16 gorcocks17 gorcrows14 inforced14 inforces13 minorcas12 moorcock18 Show more ...

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