Opted is valid Scrabble Word

Is opted a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is opted valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OPTED in dictionary:

Words related to OPTED

opt5 opting9 opts6

Words that contain OPTED

adopted11 coopted12 readopted13 unadopted13 helicopted18 preadopted16

How to use OPTED in a sentence

Similar words containing OPT without suffix ed

opt5 opts6 adopt8 coopt9 dropt8 epopt9 opter7 optic9 stopt7 swopt10 adopts9 coopts10 copter10 epopts10 optant8 opters8 optics10 optima10 optime10 opting9 option8 adopted11 adoptee10 adopter10 bedropt12 bioptic13 coopted12 copters11 diopter10 dioptre10 droptop12 hoptoad13 optants9 optical11 optimal11 optimes11 optimum13 options9 readopt10 adoptees11 adopters11 adopting12 adoption11 adoptive14 autoptic12 coopting13 cooption12 dioptase11 diopters11 dioptral11 dioptres11 dioptric13 droptops13 entoptic12 helicopt15 holoptic15 hoptoads14 horopter13 optative13 optician12 opticist12 optimate12 optimise12 optimism14 optimist12 optimize21 optimums14 optional10 optioned11 optionee10 optology14 optronic12 panoptic14 preadopt13 readopts11 shoptalk17 suboptic14 synoptic15 adoptable14 adoptions12 adoptious12 apoptoses13 apoptosis13 apoptotic15 backdropt20 catoptric15 chiropter16 coleopter13 cooptions13 dichoptic19 dioptases12 dioptrate12 dioptrics14 eleoptene11 entoptics13 floptical16 helicopts16 horopters14 hydroptic20 isopteran11 monoptera13 monoptote13 optatives14 optically16 opticians13 opticists13 optimally16 optimates13 optimised14 optimiser13 optimises13 optimisms15 optimists13 optimized23 optimizer22 optimizes22 optionals11 optionees11 optioning12 optometer13 optometry16 optophone16 optronics13 orthopter14 orthoptic16 preadopts14 preoption13 proptoses13 proptosis13 readopted13 sarcoptic15 shoptalks18 syncoptic18 synoptics16 synoptist14 unadopted13 poptastic15 adoptively19 autoptical14 catoptrics16 chiropters17 coleoptera14 coleopters14 coleoptile14 cooptation14 cooptative17 dioptrical15 elaeoptene12 eleoptenes12 fibreoptic19 flopticals17 goloptious13 gyrocopter18 helicopted18 helicopter17 hemoptyses20 hemoptysis20 homopteran17 isopterans12 isopterous12 monopteral14 monopteroi14 monopteron14 monopteros14 monoptotes14 neuroptera12 nonoptimal14 optatively18 optimalise14 optimality17 optimalize23 optimisers14 optimising15 optimistic16 optimizers23 optimizing24 optionally15 optologies13 optologist13 optometers14 optometric16 optophones17 orthoptera15 orthopters15 orthoptics17 orthoptist15 panoptical16 panopticon16 preadopted16 preoptions14 readopting14 readoption13 spellstopt14 suboptimal16 suboptimum18 supraoptic16 synoptical17 synoptists15 stereoptic14 quadcopter24 adoptianism16 adoptianist14 adoptionism16 adoptionist14 aminopterin15 caryopteris18 catoptrical17 chiropteran18 coleopteral15 coleopteran15 coleopteron15 coleoptiles15 cooptations15 dioptometer16 dioptometry19 elaeoptenes13 gyrocopters19 haemoptyses21 haemoptysis21 helicopters18 helicopting19 hemianoptic20 homopterans18 homopterous18 hymenoptera21 lepidoptera16 neuropteran13 neuropteron13 optimalised16 optimalises15 optimalized25 optimalizes24 optionality16 optokinetic19 optologists14 optometries15 optometrist15 ornithopter16 orthopteran16 orthopteron16 orthoptists16 panopticons17 plecopteran17 preadopting17 readoptions14 stearoptene13 stereoptics15 suboptimise17 suboptimize26 synoptistic18 unadoptable16 suboptimums19 quadcopters25 adoptability20 adoptianisms17 adoptianists15 adoptionisms17 adoptionists15 aminopterins16 autoptically19 catadioptric19 chiropterans19 chiropterous19 coleopterans16 coleopterist16 coleopterons16 coleopterous16 dictyopteran20 dioptometers17 dioptrically20 enteroptoses14 enteroptosis14 helicoptered20 heteropteran17 hymenopteran22 hymenopteron22 lepidopteran17 lepidopteron17 macropterous18 micropterous18 monopteroses16 nephroptoses19 nephroptosis19 neuropterans14 neuropterist14 neuropterons14 neuropterous14 optimalising17 optimalities16 optimalizing26 optimisation16 optimistical18 optimization25 optoacoustic18 optometrical18 optometrists16 ornithopters17 orthopterans17 orthopterist17 orthopteroid18
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