Oes is valid Scrabble Word

Is oes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is oes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OES in dictionary:

Words related to OES


Words that contain OES

does5 foes7 goes5 hoes7 joes11 moes6 noes4 roes4 toes4 voes7 woes7 aloes5 doest6 floes8 froes8 goest6 loess5 oboes7 poesy10 shoes8 sloes5 begoes9 buboes10 canoes8 cohoes11 dadoes8 dagoes8 didoes8 dodoes8 echoes11 eddoes8 ficoes11 goboes9 haloes9 heroes9 hoboes11 ingoes7 kayoes13 kyloes13 lazoes15 locoes8 mahoes11 manoes8 mojoes15 noeses6 noesis6 pekoes12 pogoes9 redoes7 roesti6 shmoes11 skeoes10 skioes10 soloes6 syboes11 throes9 tiroes6 tyroes9 uncoes8 undoes7 upgoes9 vetoes9 winoes9 zeroes15 anoeses7 anoesis7 baccoes13 banjoes16 bilboes11 bimboes13 bingoes10 bongoes10 bravoes12 buckoes15 buncoes11 cargoes10 chacoes14 chegoes13 chigoes13 ciscoes11 claroes9 coesite9 condoes10 congoes10 cuttoes9 diazoes17 dildoes9 dimboes12 dingoes9 diploes10 discoes10 doeskin12 fatsoes10 felloes10 fordoes11 forgoes11 fungoes11 gamboes12 geckoes14 gessoes8 ginzoes17 gippoes12 gustoes8 halloes10 helloes10 hilloes10 holloes10 hoopoes12 hulloes10 imagoes10 jingoes15 juncoes16 kiddoes13 lassoes7 limboes11 lingoes8 lithoes10 loessal7 loesses7 loessic9 mamboes13 mangoes10 mantoes9 misdoes10 misgoes10 mongoes10 mottoes9 mungoes10 negroes8 oestral7 oestrin7 oestrum9 oestrus7 outdoes8 outgoes8 pargoes10 pingoes10 pinkoes13 pintoes9 poesied10 poesies9 pongoes10 radioes8 reshoes10 roestis7 roscoes9 saddoes9 salvoes10 samboes11 schmoes14 shakoes14 sheroes10 spadoes10 tangoes8 tiptoes9 toeshoe10 toetoes7 uncoest9 unshoes10 uphroes12 wackoes16 waldoes11 woesome12 yobboes14 greboes10 plutoes9 albedoes11 anoestra8 anoestri8 archfoes16 backhoes19 bonitoes10 calicoes12 caligoes11 cataloes10 coesites10 cramboes14 doeskins13 dominoes11 drongoes10 enhaloes11 eringoes9 eryngoes12 euphroes13 fiascoes13 foredoes12 foregoes12 forsloes11 frescoes13 fumadoes14 gazaboes20 gazeboes20 gheraoes12 ghettoes12 gingkoes14 ginkgoes14 greeboes11 grottoes9 gumshoes14 honchoes16 ignaroes9 indigoes10 jingkoes20 latigoes9 lavaboes13 loessial8 noesises8 oestrins8 oestriol8 oestrone8 oestrous8 oestrual8 oestrums10 overdoes12 overgoes12 pedaloes11 poesying14 pomatoes12 potatoes10 rabatoes10 rebatoes10 reechoes13 rezeroes17 roestone8 sapegoes11 shackoes17 stalkoes12 stanzoes17 stuccoes12 thickoes17 toeshoes11 tomatoes10 trilloes8 tuxedoes16 viragoes12 voragoes12 weirdoes12 whackoes20 alnicoes10 aloeswood13 anoestrum11 anoestrus9 avocadoes15 barricoes13 beefaloes14 botargoes12 bravadoes15 buffaloes17 calypsoes16 cattaloes11 corantoes11 crusadoes12 cruzadoes21 cymbaloes18 dioestrus10 embargoes14 farragoes13 gambadoes15 goloshoes13 joncanoes18 lignaloes10 mementoes13 mestesoes11 mestinoes11 mestizoes20 mirligoes12 misletoes11 mockadoes18 momentoes13 monoester11 moriscoes13 mulattoes11 nonheroes12 oesophagi15 oestriols9 oestrogen10 oestrones9 oestruses9 outechoes14 overshoes15 pahoehoes17 passadoes12 patricoes13 pedreroes12 pettitoes11 pintadoes12 placeboes15 plenipoes13 poinadoes12 porticoes13 privadoes15 proestrus11 provisoes14 pussytoes14 roestones9 sandshoes13 serpigoes12 shoeshine15 snowshoes15 soldadoes11

Similar words containing OE without suffix s

oe2 doe4 foe6 goe4 hoe6 joe10 moe5 roe3 toe3 voe6 woe6 oer3 aloe4 boep8 boet6 coed7 doek9 doen5 doer5 does5 evoe7 floe7 foen7 foes7 froe7 goel5 goer5 goes5 goey8 hoed8 hoer7 hoes7 joes11 joey14 koel8 moer6 moes6 noel4 noes4 oboe6 poem8 poep8 poet6 roed5 roes4 shoe7 sjoe11 sloe4 toea4 toed5 toes4 toey7 voes7 woes7 ygoe8 zoea13 boer6 aloed6 aloes5 boeps9 boets7 boeuf10 booed8 canoe7 coeds8 cohoe10 cooed8 cooee7 cooer7 cooey10 doeks10 doers6 doest6 doeth9 evhoe11 floes8 foehn11 froes8 goels6 goers6 goest6 goeth9 goety9 gooey9 hoers8 hooey11 joeys15 koels9 kyloe12 loess5 looed6 looey8 mahoe10 moers7 mooed8 noels5 oboes7 pekoe11 poems9 poeps9 poesy10 poets7 pooed8 proem9 shmoe10 shoed9 shoer8 shoes8 sloes5 snoek9 snoep7 sooey8 stoep7 syboe10 throe8 toeas5 twoer8 voema10 wooed9 wooer8 zoeae14 zoeal14 zoeas14 zooea14 zooey17 heroe8 poete7 amoeba10 apnoea8 autoed7 begoes9 blooey11 boeufs11 buboed11 buboes10 canoed9 canoer8 canoes8 chegoe12 chigoe12 coedit9 coelom10 coempt12 coerce10 coeval11 cohoes11 cooeed9 cooees8 cooers8 cooeys11 cuttoe8 dadoed9 dadoes8 dagoes8 demoed10 didoes8 dildoe8 dioecy12 diploe9 dodoes8 echoed12 echoer11 echoes11 echoey14 eddoes8 felloe9 ficoes11 flooey12 foefie12 foehns12 foeman11 foemen11 foetal9 foetid10 foetor9 foetus9 goboes9 goetic9 haloed10 haloes9 heroes9 hoboed12 hoboes11 hoeing10 hooeys12 hoopoe11 hypoed15 ingoes7 intoed7 kayoed14 kayoes13 kyloes13 lazoed16 lazoes15 locoed9 locoes8 loerie6 logoed8 looeys9 mahoes11 manoes8 moered9 mojoes15 mongoe9 noeses6 noesis6 noetic8 oecist8 oedema9 oeuvre9 pekoes12 phloem13 phoebe13 phooey14 poeped11 poepol10 poetic10 poetry11 pogoed10 pogoer9 pogoes9 proems10 ptooey11 redoes7 reshoe9 roemer8 roesti6 roscoe8 schmoe13 shmoes11 shoers9 shooed10 siloed7 skeoes10 skioes10 snoeks10 soever9 soloed7 soloes6 stoeps8 syboes11 throed10 throes9 tiptoe8 tiroes6 toebie8 toecap10 toeier6 toeing7 toerag7 toetoe6 troely9 twoers9 tyroes9 uncoer8 uncoes8 undoer7 undoes7 unshoe9 upgoes9 uphroe11 vetoed10 vetoer9 vetoes9 voemas11 winoes9 woeful12 wooers9 zeroed16 zeroes15 zoecia17 zoetic17 zooeae15 zooeal15 zooeas15 aloetic9 amoebae11 amoeban11 amoebas11 amoebic13 anoeses7 anoesis7 anoetic9 apnoeal9 apnoeas9 apnoeic11 archfoe15 baccoes13 backhoe18 banjoes16 bilboes11 bimboes13 bingoed11 bingoes10 boerbul11 bongoes10 bravoed13 bravoes12 buckoes15 buncoed12
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