Moes is valid Scrabble Word

Is moes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is moes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for MOES in dictionary:

Words related to MOES


Words that contain MOES

shmoes11 schmoes14

Similar words containing MOE without suffix s

moe5 moer6 moers7 shmoe10 amoeba10 demoed10 moered9 schmoe13 shmoes11 amoebae11 amoeban11 amoebas11 amoebic13 ipomoea11 moellon9 moering10 promoed12 schmoes14 amoebean12 amoeboid13 ipomoeas12 moellons10 amoebaean13 endamoeba14 entamoeba13 homoeobox23 homoeoses14 homoeosis14 homoeotic16 myxamoeba25 perlemoen13 pomoerium15 amoebiases14 amoebiasis14 amoebiform19 amoebocyte19 endamoebae15 endamoebas15 endamoebic17 entamoebae14 entamoebas14 homoeomery20 homoeopath20 homoerotic17 myxamoebae26 myxamoebas26 paramoecia16 perlemoens14 pomoeriums16 amoebocytes20 homoeomeric20 homoeomorph23 homoeopaths21 homoeopathy24 homoeotherm21 homoeotypic23 homoerotism18 paramoecium19 homoeomeries19 homoeomerous19 homoeomorphs24 homoeomorphy27 homoeopathic24 homoeostases17 homoeostasis17 homoeostatic19 homoeotherms22 homoerotisms19 homoeomorphic27 homoeopathies23 homoeopathist23 homoeothermal23 homoeothermic25 homoeotypical25 homoeroticism22 thermoelement20 dynamoelectric24 homoeomorphies26 homoeomorphism28 homoeomorphous26 homoeopathists24 homoeoteleuton19 homoeothermous24 homoeroticisms23 thermoelectric23 thermoelectron21 thermoelements21 homoeomorphisms29 homoeoteleutons20 thermoelectrons22 tribromoethanol22 thermoelectrici24 thermoelectricity29 thermoelectricities28
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