Misbinds is valid Scrabble Word

Is misbinds a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is misbinds valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MISBINDS in dictionary:

Words related to MISBINDS

misbind12 misbinding16 misbound13

Similar words containing BIND without suffix s and without prefix mis

bind7 bindi8 binds8 binder9 bindhi12 bindis9 bindle9 rebind9 unbind9 upbind11 binders10 bindery13 bindhis13 binding11 bindles10 cowbind15 hopbind15 misbind12 prebind12 rebinds10 unbinds10 upbinds12 bellbind13 bindable13 bindings12 bindweed15 cowbinds16 hopbinds16 prebinds13 subindex18 woodbind15 bellbinds14 binderies12 bindingly16 bindweeds16 dysbindin16 rebinding13 spellbind14 unbinding13 upbinding15 woodbinds16 bookbinder19 dysbindins17 highbinder20 misbinding16 nonbinding14 prebinding16 spellbinds15 subindexes20 subindices15 unbindings14 bindingness15 bookbinders20 bookbindery23 bookbinding21 highbinders21 spellbinder16 subindicate16 subindustry17 bookbindings22 spellbinders17 spellbinding18 subindicated18 subindicates17 bindingnesses17 bookbinderies22 subindicating19 subindication18 subindicative21 subindustries16 spellbindingly23 subindications19
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