Microhms is valid Scrabble Word

Is microhms a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is microhms valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MICROHMS in dictionary:

Words related to MICROHMS


Similar words containing HM without suffix s and without prefix micro

hm7 hmm10 ohm8 fehm12 hmmm13 ohms9 shmo9 vehm12 abohm12 fehme13 ohmic12 pashm12 schmo12 shmek14 shmoe10 vehme13 abohms13 ashman11 ashmen11 asthma11 brahma13 drachm14 fehmic16 isthmi11 mahmal13 megohm14 mishmi13 ohmage12 pashms13 rhythm17 schmoe13 schmos13 shmear11 shmeer11 shmeks15 shmock17 shmoes11 shmuck17 vehmic16 asthmas12 bathmat14 bathmic16 brahman14 brahmas14 brahmin14 bushman14 bushmen14 dishmop15 dochmii15 drachma15 drachms15 ethmoid13 flehmen15 highman16 highmen16 isthmic14 isthmus12 kashmir16 mahmals14 mashman14 mashmen14 megohms15 microhm16 mishmee14 mishmis14 ohmages13 rhythmi18 rhythms18 schmalz23 schmear14 schmeck20 schmeer14 schmelz23 schmick20 schmock20 schmoes14 schmoos14 schmooz23 schmuck20 schmutz23 shmaltz21 shmatte12 shmears12 shmeers12 shmocks18 shmoose12 shmooze21 shmoozy24 shmucks18 shmucky21 teraohm12 yashmac17 yashmak19 arythmia16 arythmic18 bashment15 bathmats15 bathmism17 boehmite15 brahmani15 Show more ...
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