Microhms is valid Scrabble Word

Is microhms a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is microhms valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MICROHMS in dictionary:

Words related to MICROHMS


Similar words containing HM without suffix s and without prefix micro

hm7 hmm10 ohm8 fehm12 hmmm13 ohms9 shmo9 vehm12 abohm12 fehme13 ohmic12 pashm12 schmo12 shmek14 shmoe10 vehme13 abohms13 ashman11 ashmen11 asthma11 brahma13 drachm14 fehmic16 isthmi11 mahmal13 megohm14 mishmi13 ohmage12 pashms13 rhythm17 schmoe13 schmos13 shmear11 shmeer11 shmeks15 shmock17 shmoes11 shmuck17 vehmic16 asthmas12 bathmat14 bathmic16 brahman14 brahmas14 brahmin14 bushman14 bushmen14 dishmop15 dochmii15 drachma15 drachms15 ethmoid13 flehmen15 highman16 highmen16 isthmic14 isthmus12 kashmir16 mahmals14 mashman14 mashmen14 megohms15 microhm16 mishmee14 mishmis14 ohmages13 rhythmi18 rhythms18 schmalz23 schmear14 schmeck20 schmeer14 schmelz23 schmick20 schmock20 schmoes14 schmoos14 schmooz23 schmuck20 schmutz23 shmaltz21 shmatte12 shmears12 shmeers12 shmocks18 shmoose12 shmooze21 shmoozy24 shmucks18 shmucky21 teraohm12 yashmac17 yashmak19 arythmia16 arythmic18 bashment15 bathmats15 bathmism17 boehmite15 brahmani15 brahmans15 brahmins15 bushmeat15 cashmere15 coachman17 coachmen17 didrachm17 dishmops16 dochmiac18 dochmius16 drachmae16 drachmai16 drachmas16 dutchman16 dutchmen16 earthman13 earthmen13 ethmoids14 eurythmy19 fishmeal16 flehmens16 freshman16 freshmen16 hashmark20 henchman18 henchmen18 highmost17 inchmeal15 isarithm13 isthmian13 isthmoid14 kashmirs17 marchman17 marchmen17 milliohm15 mishmash18 mishmees15 mishmosh18 nonohmic15 ohmmeter15 pashmina15 pitchman17 pitchmen17 ranchman15 ranchmen15 rhythmal19 rhythmed20 rhythmic21 rhythmus19 schmaltz24 schmalzy27 schmatte15 schmears15 schmecks21 schmeers15 schmelze24 schmocks21 schmoose15 schmooze24 schmoozy27 schmucks21 schmucky24 shmaltzy25 shmattes13 shmeared14 shmeered14 shmoosed14 shmooses13 shmoozed23 shmoozer22 shmoozes22 teraohms13 trashman13 trashmen13 truchman15 truchmen15 vehmique25 watchman18 watchmen18 weighman17 weighmen17 winchman18 winchmen18 yashmacs18 yashmaks20 abashment16 algorithm15 arhythmia20 arhythmic22 arythmias17 asthmatic16 bashments16 bathmisms18 beechmast18 benchmark22 biorhythm22 birthmark20 boehmites16 brahmanis16 brushmark20 bushmeats16 cashmeres16 catchment18 churchman21 churchmen21 didrachma18 didrachms18 ethmoidal15 eurhythmy23 eurythmic19 fishmeals17 flehmened18 fleshment17 hashmarks21 hatchment19 isarithms14 isthmians14 isthmuses14 kloochman20 kloochmen20 lengthman15 lengthmen15 logarithm15 lunchmeat16 machmeter18 matchmade19 matchmake22 matchmark22 milliohms16 mushmouth19 mythmaker23 northmost14 ohmically19 ohmmeters16 parchment18 pashminas16 ploughman17 ploughmen17 rhythmics22 rhythmise20 rhythmist20 rhythmize29 schmaltzy28 schmalzes25 schmattes16 schmeared17 schmecked23 schmecker22 schmeered17 schmelzes25 schmicker22 schmoosed17 schmooses16 schmoozed26 schmoozer25 schmoozes25 schmucked23 schmutter16 schmutzes25 shmaltzes23 shmearing15 shmeering15 shmoosing15 shmoozers23 shmoozier23 shmoozing24 shmuckier20 southmost14 switchman19 switchmen19 touchmark20 truchmans16 peshmerga17 dochmiacs19 abashments17 algorithms16 ambushment19 antiasthma15 arhythmias21 arithmetic17 arrhythmia21 arrhythmic23 assythment18 asthmatics17 attachment17 avouchment20 banishment17 bathmizvah32 beechmasts19 benchmarks23 biorhythms23 birthmarks21 brahmanism19 brahmanist17 brahminism19 brahminist17 brushmarks21 bushmaster17 catchments19 detachment18
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