Meres is valid Scrabble Word

Is meres a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is meres valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MERES in dictionary:

Words related to MERES


Words that contain MERES

merest8 chimeres15 commeres14 epimeres12 isomeres10 meresman12 meresmen12 myomeres15 uromeres10 antimeres11 cashmeres16 casimeres13 dungmeres13 ectomeres13 farmeress14 merestone11 mesomeres13 metameres13 podomeres14 telomeres11 capsomeres16 cassimeres14 macromeres16 merestones12 micromeres16 sarcomeres14 actinomeres15 arthromeres16 blastomeres15 centromeres15 chromomeres20 farmeresses16 kerseymeres20 rhabdomeres19

How to use MERES in a sentence

Similar words containing MERE without suffix s

mere6 mered8 merel7 merer7 merell8 merels8 merely11 merest8 chimere14 commere13 epimere11 gomerel10 homered13 isomere9 merells9 myomere14 uromere9 antimere10 cashmere15 casimere12 chimeres15 commeres14 dormered12 dummerer13 dungmere12 ectomere12 epimeres12 femerell13 gomerels11 hammered16 hammerer15 isomeres10 mammered15 merengue11 meresman12 meresmen12 mesomere12 metamere12 mummered15 myomeres15 podomere13 simmered13 summered13 telomere10 uromeres10 yammered16 yammerer15 antimeres11 capsomere15 cashmeres16 casimeres13 cassimere13 dummerers14 dungmeres13 ectomeres13 farmeress14 femerells14 glimmered15 hammerers16 limerence13 macromere15 merengues12 mereology15 merestone11 mesomeres13 metameres13 micromere15 podomeres14 sarcomere13 shimmered17 skummered18 stammered14 stammerer13 steamered12 swimmeret16 telomeres11 yammerers16 actinomere14 arthromere15 blastomere14 capsomeres16 cassimeres14 centromere14 chromomere19 farmerette15 kerseymere19 limerences14 macromeres16 merestones12 micromeres16 misnomered15 outhomered16 rehammered18 rhabdomere18 sarcomeres14 stammerers14 streamered13 swimmerets17 unsummered15 actinomeres15 arthromeres16 blastomeres15 centromeres15 chromomeres20 farmeresses16 farmerettes16 kerseymeres20 mereologies14 rhabdomeres19 schwarmerei21 jackhammered33 mereological17 meretricious16 schwarmereis22 meretriciously21 sledgehammered24 meretriciousnes19 meretriciousness20 meretriciousnesses22
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