Med is valid Scrabble Word

Is med a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is med valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MED in dictionary:

Words related to MED

doctor9 meds7

Words that contain MED

meds7 aimed8 armed8 domed9 famed11 fumed11 gamed9 hamed11 homed11 lamed8 lemed8 limed8 lomed8 medal8 media8 medic10 medii8 medle8 mimed10 named8 rimed8 tamed8 temed8 timed8 ummed10 wamed11 balmed11 bammed13 beamed11 bermed11 blamed11 blumed11 boomed11 bormed11 bummed13 calmed11 cammed13 caumed11 chimed14 comedo11 comedy14 coomed11 crimed11 cromed11 culmed11 cummed13 dammed12 deemed10 dimmed12 doomed10 exemed16 farmed12 filmed12 firmed12 flamed12 flemed12 flumed12 foamed12 formed12 framed12 gammed12 gaumed10 gemmed12 germed10 glimed10 gormed10 grimed10 gummed12 hammed14 harmed12 hawmed15 helmed12 hemmed14 hummed14 itemed9 jammed18 lamedh12 lameds9 lammed11 leamed9 loamed9 loomed9 maimed11 medaka13 medals9 meddle10 medfly15 mediad10 mediae9 medial9 median9 medias9 medick15 medico11 medics11 medina9 medium11 medius9 medlar9 medled10 medles9 Show more ...

How to use MED in a sentence

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