Iring is valid Scrabble Word

Is iring a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is iring valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for IRING in dictionary:

Words related to IRING

ire3 ired5 ires4

Words that contain IRING

airing7 firing10 hiring10 miring9 siring7 tiring7 viring10 wiring10 airings8 fairing11 firings11 hairing11 heiring11 hirings11 lairing8 leiring8 pairing10 quiring17 sairing8 shiring11 sirings8 spiring10 stiring8 tirings8 twiring11 wairing11 weiring11 wirings11 admiring12 aspiring11 attiring9 bemiring13 chairing14 choiring14 cofiring14 deairing10 desiring10 enfiring12 expiring18 fairings12 glairing10 pairings11 refiring12 rehiring12 retiring9 rewiring12 speiring11 squiring18 sweiring12 umpiring13 untiring9 unwiring12 acquiring21 appairing14 attirings10 cofirings15 dehairing14 effeiring16 empairing14 enquiring19 esquiring19 impairing14 inquiring19 inspiring12 misfiring15 outfiring13 outhiring13 prefiring15 prehiring15 prewiring15 repairing12 requiring19 respiring12 rewirings13 speirings12 suspiring12 unfairing13 unhairing13 vampiring17 admiringly17 aspiringly16 backfiring22 coadmiring16 cochairing18 conspiring15 despairing14 forfairing17 hardwiring18 impairings15 overtiring14 perspiring15 quagmiring23 requirings20 retiringly14 unadmiring14 unaspiring13 unchairing16 undesiring12 unretiring11 untiringly14 Show more ...

How to use IRING in a sentence

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