Inlying is valid Scrabble Word

Is inlying a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is inlying valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INLYING in dictionary:

How to use INLYING in a sentence

Similar words containing LY without suffix ing and without prefix in

cly8 fly9 lye6 lym8 ply8 sly6 vly9 ably9 agly8 ally7 coly9 duly8 eely7 guly8 holy10 idly8 illy7 inly7 lily7 lyam9 lych12 lyes7 lyme9 lyms9 lyne7 lynx14 lyra7 lyre7 lyse7 lyte7 moly9 oily7 only7 owly10 paly9 pily9 poly9 puly9 rely7 ruly7 ugly8 waly10 wily10 flys10 allyl8 amply12 apply12 aptly10 badly11 bally10 belly10 bialy10 bigly11 billy10 blype12 bully10 burly10 calyx17 clype12 coaly10 colly10 cooly10 coyly13 cully10 curly10 daily9 dally9 deely9 delly9 dilly9 dimly11 doily9 dolly9 dooly9 dowly12 doyly12 drily9 dryly12 dully9 duply11 early8 fatly11 felly11 ferly11 feyly14 filly11 fitly11 flyby16 flyer11 flype13 flyte11 folly11 fonly11 fugly12 fully11 gaily9 gally9 gayly12 gelly9 gilly9 girly9 glyph14 godly10 golly9 gooly9 gully9 gurly9 haily11 haply13 hilly11 hiply13 holly11 hooly11 hotly11 hully11 hurly11 icily10 imply12 jeely15 jelly15 jolly15 jowly18 kelly12 laxly15 lolly8 lowly11 lyams10 lyard9 lyart8 lyase8 lycea10 lycee10 lycra10 lying9 lymes10 lymph15 lynch13 lynes8 lyres8 lyric10 lysed9 lyses8 lysin8 lysis8 lysol8 lyssa8 lyted9 lytes8 lythe11 lytic10 lytta8 madly11 manly10 marly10 mealy10 mirly10 molly10 molys10 mooly10 muhly13 murly10 nelly8 newly11 nirly8 nobly10 noily8 oddly10 onely8 pally10 parly10 patly10 plyer10 polly10 polyp12 polys10 pully10 rally8 rawly11 redly9 refly11 reply10 roily8 rumly10 sadly9 sally8 scaly10 seely8 shaly11 shily11 shyly14 silly8 slily8 slyer8 slyly11 slype10 soily8 sonly8 sully8 surly8 swaly11 tally8 telly8 tilly8 tolly8 tolyl8 truly8 ulyie8 vealy11 veily11 wally11 wanly11 welly11 wetly11 willy11 wolly11 wooly11 wryly14 xylyl18 acidly12 aerily9 agedly11 airily9 allyls9 allyou9 anally9 anerly9 archly14 aridly10 artily9 astely9 auntly9 avidly13 babbly15 baldly12 barely11 barfly14 basely11 bassly11 bialys11 billyo11 bluely11 blypes13 bobbly15 bodily12 boldly12 botfly14 boxily18 bragly12 brawly14 brolly11 bubbly15 burbly13 busily11 cagily12 calmly13 camply15 chally14 chicly16 chilly14 cicely13 clodly12 clying12 clyped14 clypei13 clypes13 coggly13 coldly12 comely13 comply15 coolly11 cosily11 costly11 cozily20 crawly14 cuddly13 curtly11 cutely11 daftly13 damply14 dangly11 dankly14 darkly14 dayfly16 deadly11 deafly13 dearly10 deeply12 deffly16 deftly13 dernly10 dewily13 dhooly13 diddly12 dimply14 dinkly14 direly10 dopily12 doubly12 dourly10 dozily19
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