Infuser is valid Scrabble Word

Is infuser a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is infuser valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INFUSER in dictionary:

Words related to INFUSER


Words that contain INFUSER


Similar words containing FUS without suffix er and without prefix in

fusc9 fuse7 fusk11 fuss7 fust7 dufus9 fused9 fusee8 fusel8 fuses8 fusil8 fusks12 fussy11 fusts8 fusty11 tofus8 defuse10 doofus10 effuse12 fusain9 fusees9 fusels9 fusile9 fusils9 fusing10 fusion9 fusked14 fusker13 fussed10 fusser9 fusses9 fusted10 fustet9 fustic11 fustoc11 fusuma11 goofus10 infuse9 refuse9 samfus11 snafus9 confuse12 defused12 defuser11 defuses11 diffuse14 dufuses11 effused14 effuses13 fusains10 fusaria10 fusarol10 fusball12 fuscous12 fushion13 fusible12 fusibly15 fusidic13 fusilli10 fusions10 fuskers14 fusking15 fussers10 fussier10 fussily13 fussing11 fusspot12 fustets10 fustian10 fustics12 fustier10 fustily13 fusting11 fustocs12 infused11 infuses10 madafus13 perfuse12 profuse12 refusal10 refused11 refuser10 refuses10 subfusc14 subfusk16 suffuse13 unfused11 unfussy13 fusumas12 affusion14 confused14 confuses13 defusers12 defusing13 diffused16 diffuser15 diffuses15 diffusor15 doofuses12 effusing15 effusion14 effusive17 fusarium13 fusarole11 fusarols11 fusballs13 fuselage12 fuseless11 fuselike15 fushions14 fusiform16 fusileer11 fusilier11 fusillis11 fusional11 fussball13 fussiest11 fusspots13 fustians11 fustiest11 goofuses12 infusers11 infusing12 infusion11 infusive14 infusory14 mofussil13 perfused14 perfuses13 profuser13 refusals11 refusers11 refusing12 refusion11 refusnik15 reinfuse11 subfuscs15 subfusks17 suffused15 suffuses14 unfussed12 fuskered16 affusions15 confusing15 confusion14 diffusely19 diffusers16 diffusing17 diffusion16 diffusive19 diffusors16 effusions15 fusariums14 fusaroles12 fuselages13 fusileers12 fusiliers12 fusillade13 fusionism14 fusionist12 fussballs14 fussiness12 fustigate13 fustilugs13 fustiness12 fusulinid13 infuscate14 infusible14 infusions12 infusoria12 interfuse12 mofussils14 obfuscate16 overfussy18 perfusate14 perfusing15 perfusion14 perfusive17 profusely17 profusers14 profusion14 profusive17 refusable14 refusenik16 refusions12 refusniks16 reinfused13 reinfuses12 suffusing16 suffusion15 suffusive18 superfuse14 transfuse12 unconfuse14 unfussier12 unfussily15 fuskering17 circumfuse19 confusable17 confusedly19 confusible17 confusions15 diffusedly21 diffusible19 diffusions17 effusively22 fusibility18 fusilladed15 fusillades14 fusionisms15 fusionists13 fusionless13 fussbudget17 fustanella13 fustanelle13 fustianise13 fustianist13 fustianize22 fustigated15 fustigates14 fustigator14 fusulinids14 infuscated16 infusorial13 infusorian13 infusories13 interfused14 interfuses13 obfuscated18 obfuscates17 perfusates15 perfusions15 profusions15 refuseniks17 reinfusing14 rumfustian15 subfuscous17 suffusions16 superfused16 superfuses15 transfused14 transfuser13 transfuses13 unconfused16 unconfuses15 unfussiest13 reinfusion13 circumfused21 circumfuses20 confusables18 confusibles18 confusingly20 confusional16 diffuseness18 diffusional18 diffusively24 diffusivity24 fushionless17 fusibleness16 fusillading16 fusillation14 fussbudgets18 fussbudgety21 fussinesses14 fustanellas14 fustanelles14 fustianised15 fustianises14 fustianists14 fustianized24 fustianizes23 fustigating16 fustigation15 fustigators15 fustigatory18 fustilarian14 fustilirian14 fustinesses14 infusionism16 infusionist14 infusorians14 interfusing15 interfusion14 obfuscating19 obfuscation18 obfuscatory21 overfussier17 profuseness16 rumfustians16 superfusing17 superfusion16 transfusers14 transfusing15 transfusion14 transfusive17 unconfusing17 reinfusions14 reperfusion16 retransfuse14 circumfusile21
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