Hori is valid word

Is hori a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words NO
Is hori valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for HORI in dictionary:

Words related to HORI


Words that contain HORI

horis8 choria11 choric13 ephori11 thoria9 thoric11 chorial12 chorine12 choring13 chorion12 chorism14 chorist12 chorizo21 horizon19 kachori16 shoring11 thorias10 thorite10 thorium12 whoring14 whorish16 amphoric17 aphorise13 aphorism15 aphorist13 aphorize22 choriamb17 chorines13 chorioid14 chorions13 chorises13 chorisis13 chorisms15 chorists13 chorizos22 enchoric15 euphoria13 euphoric15 horizons20 kachoris17 shorings12 thorites11 thoriums13 whorings15 zoophori22 anaphoric16 anchoring15 anchorite14 aphorised15 aphoriser14 aphorises14 aphorisms16 aphorists14 aphorized24 aphorizer23 aphorizes23 authorial12 authoring13 authorise12 authorish15 authorism14 authority15 authorize21 bewhoring18 camphoric20 choriambi18 choriambs18 chorioids15 chorionic16 chorister14 chorizont23 dysphoria18 dysphoric20 enchorial14 euphorias14 euphories14 exophoric23 horiatiki16 horizonal21 isochoric16 omophoria16 onshoring13 phosphori19 plethoric16 senhorita12 whorishly21 zoophoric25 anachorism17 anchorites15 anchoritic17 aphorisers15 aphorising16 aphoristic17 aphorizers24 aphorizing25 authorings14 authorised14 authoriser13 authorises13 authorisms15 authorized23 Show more ...

How to use HORI in a sentence

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