Extines is valid Scrabble Word

Is extines a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is extines valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for EXTINES in dictionary:

Words related to EXTINES


Similar words containing TINE without suffix s and without prefix ex

tine4 tinea5 tined6 tines5 extine13 intine6 mutine8 patine8 ratine6 retine6 tineal6 tineas6 tineid7 bottine9 cystine12 dentine8 destine8 dietine8 emetine9 gratine8 intines7 isatine7 matinee9 mutined10 mutines9 pantine9 patined10 patines9 pontine9 poutine9 ratines7 retines7 routine7 saltine7 satined8 satinet7 sestine7 sittine7 tartine7 tineids8 tontine7 artiness8 astatine8 bottines10 cavatine13 centinel10 cicutine12 creatine10 cystines13 dentines9 destined10 destines9 diactine11 dietines9 duvetine12 emetines10 gelatine9 gratinee9 hematine13 isatines8 kreatine12 legatine9 martinet10 matinees10 matiness10 matutine10 muntined11 mutineer10 nicotine10 palatine10 pantines10 pectines12 poutines10 pristine10 rabatine10 retinene8 routines8 saltines8 satinets8 sentinel8 serotine8 sestines8 sittines8 smaltine10 sonatine8 tartines8 tontiner8 tontines8 pectinei12 abstinent11 aconitine11 argentine10 asbestine11 astatines9 barbotine13 basaltine11 battiness11 bisontine11 bittiness11 bustiness11 byzantine23 cantiness11 carnitine11 cattiness11 celestine11 centinell11 centinels11 cicutines13 cobaltine13 continent11 creatines11 diactines12 dirtiness10 dortiness10 dottiness10 dustiness10 duvetines13 eglantine10 emptiness13 fattiness12 forestine12 fustiness12 galantine10 gelatines10 goutiness10 gratineed11 gratinees10 gustiness10 hastiness12 heftiness15 hematines14 infantine12 intestine9 itineracy14 itinerant9 itinerary12 itinerate9 jettiness16 kreatines13 lacertine11 levantine12 libertine11 loftiness12 lustiness9 maltiness11 martinets11 meatiness11 mistiness11 monactine13 mustiness11 mutineers11 narcotine11 nastiness9 nattiness9 nemertine11 nicotined12 nicotines11 niftiness12 nitratine9 nougatine10 nuttiness9 palatines11 pastiness11 pectineal13 pertinent11 pettiness11 pottiness11 rabatines11 rattiness9 retinenes9 rootiness9 routineer9 routinely12 runtiness9 rustiness9 ruttiness9 sabbatine13 saltiness9 satinetta9 satinette9 sentinels9 serotines9 slatiness9 smaltines11 sootiness9 sustinent9 tartiness9 tastiness9 tattiness9 testiness9 tintiness9 tontiners9 triactine11 tricotine11 valentine12 veloutine12 wittiness12 zestiness18 pectineus13 abstinence14 abstinency17 aconitines12 adamantine13 amarantine12 argentines11 artinesses10 barbotines14 barkantine16 barkentine16 basaltines12 brattiness12 brigantine13 bulletined13 carnitines12 celestines12 centinells12 chattiness15 chestiness15 cispontine14 clementine14 clottiness12 cobaltines14 continence14 continency17 continents12 craftiness15 crustiness12 daintiness11 dessiatine11 dessyatine14 diamantine13 draftiness14 eglantines11 faultiness13 feistiness13 flintiness13 florentine13 fluoxetine20 frostiness13 fruitiness13 galantines11 grittiness11 grottiness11 guillotine11 guiltiness11 heartiness13 hydrastine17 intestines10 itinerancy15 itinerants10 itinerated11 itinerates10 jauntiness17 knottiness14 laurustine10 levantines13 libertines12 matinesses12 mightiness16 monactines14 mutineered13 narcotines12 nemertines12 nitratines10 nonroutine10 nougatines11 paintiness12 paroxetine19 pertinence14 pertinency17 pertinents12 philistine15 polyactine17 porpentine14 predestine13 prettiness12 pristinely15 pyrrhotine18 quarantine19 reastiness10 routineers10 satinettas10 satinettes10 scantiness12 scattiness12 scrutineer12 sentineled11 serpentine12 shiftiness16 shirtiness13 shittiness13 sleetiness10 sluttiness10 smuttiness12 snootiness10 snottiness10 sportiness12 spottiness12 stiltiness10 subroutine12
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