Extender is valid Scrabble Word

Is extender a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is extender valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXTENDER in dictionary:

Words related to EXTENDER


Words that contain EXTENDER


Similar words containing TEND without suffix er and without prefix ex

tend5 stend6 tends6 tendu6 attend7 extend14 intend7 obtend9 stends7 tended8 tender7 tendon7 tendre7 tendus7 attends8 bartend10 contend10 distend9 extends15 intends8 mistend10 obtends10 portend10 pretend10 protend10 stended9 subtend10 tendenz17 tenders8 tending9 tendons8 tendres8 tendril8 tendron8 attended10 attendee9 attender9 bartends11 coattend11 coextend18 contends11 distends10 entender9 extended17 intended10 intender9 mistends11 obtended12 portends11 pretends11 protends11 repetend11 stending10 subtends11 tendance11 tendence11 tendency14 tendered10 tenderer9 tenderly12 tendrils9 tendrons9 untended10 untender9 attendant10 attendees10 attenders10 attending11 bartended13 bartender12 coattends12 coextends19 contended13 contender12 distended12 distender11 entenders10 extendant17 extenders17 extending18 intendant10 intendeds11 intenders10 intending11 misintend12 mistended13 obtending13 portended13 pretended13 pretender12 protended13 repetends12 subtended13 tendances12 tendences12 tendenzen19 tenderers10 tenderest10 tendering11 tenderise10 tenderize19 tendinous10 tendresse10 tendriled11 tendrilly13 budtender13 attendance13 attendancy16 attendants11 attendings12 attendment13 bartenders13 bartending14 coattended14 coextended21 contendent13 contenders13 contending14 convertend16 distenders12 distending13 entendered12 extendable20 extendedly22 extendible20 goaltender12 inextended19 intendance13 intendancy16 intendants11 intendedly15 intendered12 intendment13 malentendu13 misintends13 mistending14 overextend21 portending14 pretendant13 pretendent13 pretenders13 pretending14 protending14 subtending14 tendencies13 tendential11 tenderable13 tenderfeet14 tenderfoot14 tenderings12 tenderised12 tenderiser11 tenderises11 tenderized21 tenderizer20 tenderizes20 tenderling12 tenderloin11 tenderness11 tendinitis11 tendonitis11 tendresses11 tendrillar11 tendrilled12 tendrilous11 unattended12 unextended19 unintended12 untendered12 untenderly14 budtenders14 hooktender18 tendinoses11 tendinosis11 tendonoses11 tendonosis11 tendinites11 tendonites11 tendencial13 attendances14 attendement14 attendments14 coattending15 coextending22 contendents14 contendings15 convertends17 entendering13 goaltenders13 goaltending14 hyperextend27 intendances14 intendering13 intendments14 malentendus14 misintended15 nonattender12 overextends22 pretendants14 pretendedly18 pretendents14 superintend14 tendencious14 tendentious12 tenderfoots15 tenderisers12 tenderising13 tenderizers21 tenderizing22 tenderlings13 tenderloins12 tendrillous12 unattending13 bartendings15 hooktenders19 tendrillier12 attendancies15 attendements15 contendingly19 extendedness21 goaltendings15 hyperextends28 intendancies15 misintending16 nonattenders13 overextended24 pretendingly19 superintends15 tendencially18 tendentially16 tendernesses13 tenderometer15 tendinitises13 tendonitises13 unpretending16 tendinitides14 tendonitides14 tendinopathy21 tendinosises13 tendonopathy21 tendonosises13 tendrilliest13 extendability26 extendibility26 hyperextended30 nonattendance16 overextending25 pretendership21 superintended17 tendenciously19 tendentiously17 tenderhearted18 tenderisation14 tenderization23 tenderometers16 extendednesses23 hyperextending31 nonattendances17 pretenderships22 slantendicular17 superintendent17 superintending18 tenderisations15 tenderizations24 tendovaginitis19 unpretendingly21 tendinopathies20 tendonopathies20 countertendency23 extendabilities25 extendibilities25 septendecillion20 superintendence20 superintendency23 superintendents18 tendenciousness18 tendentiousness16 tenderheartedly23 countertendenci20 tenderheartedne20 superintendenci20 septendecillions21 superintendences21 countertendencies22 tendentiousnesses18 tenderheartedness22 superintendencies22 tenderheartednesses24
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