Ern is valid Scrabble Word

Is ern a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ern valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ERN in dictionary:

Words related to ERN

earn4 erned6 erning7 erns4

Words that contain ERN

dern5 erne4 erns4 fern7 hern7 kern8 pern6 tern4 cerne7 derns6 erned6 ernes5 ferns8 ferny11 gerne6 herns8 kerne9 kerns9 perns7 quern14 stern5 terne5 terns5 derny9 aldern7 altern6 astern6 casern8 cavern11 cerned9 cernes8 decern9 derned8 dernly10 erning7 eterne6 extern13 gerned8 gernes7 govern10 hernia9 intern6 kerned11 kernel10 kernes10 lierne6 lucern8 luzern15 modern9 perned9 pernio8 pernod9 querns15 scerne8 secern8 sterna6 sterns6 tavern9 ternal6 terned7 ternes6 undern7 vernal9 vernix16 wivern12 wyvern15 dernys10 alterne7 beernut9 bittern9 caserne9 caserns9 caverns12 cerning10 cistern9 cithern12 cittern9 concern11 decerns10 dernful11 dernier8 derning9 discern10 eastern7 eternal7 evernet10 externe14 externs14 fernery13 fernier10 ferning11 gerning9 gittern8 governs11 herniae10 hernial10 hernias10 inferno10 interne7 interns7 kernels11 Show more ...

How to use ERN in a sentence

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