Emboss is valid Scrabble Word

Is emboss a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is emboss valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EMBOSS in dictionary:

Words related to EMBOSS

embossed13 embosser12 embossers13 embosses12 embossing14 embossment16 embossments17 embost10 imboss10

Words that contain EMBOSS

embossed13 embosser12 embosses12 embossers13 embossing14 embossable16 embossment16 embossings15 embossments17

How to use EMBOSS in a sentence

Similar words containing BOS without suffix s and without prefix em

bos5 abos6 bosh9 bosk10 boss6 obos6 ambos9 bobos9 bosie7 bosks11 bosky14 bosom9 boson7 bossy10 bosun7 gobos8 hobos10 kobos11 kybos14 lobos7 mebos9 umbos9 zobos16 adobos9 bilbos10 bimbos12 bombos12 bosbok14 bosche13 boshes11 boshta11 bosies8 bosker12 bosket12 bosoms10 bosomy13 bosons8 bosque17 bossed9 bosser8 bosses8 bosset8 boston8 bosuns8 bumbos12 carbos10 combos12 debosh12 deboss9 dimbos11 dsobos9 dubbos11 dumbos11 embosk14 embost10 fynbos14 gambos11 garbos9 gombos11 grebos9 gumbos11 himbos13 imbosk14 imboss10 jumbos17 kembos14 kibosh15 kimbos14 kybosh18 lesbos8 limbos10 lobose8 mambos12 ovibos11 ribose8 rumbos10 sambos10 timbos10 tsubos8 turbos8 yobbos13 zambos19 jambos17 ausubos9 bonobos11 bosboks15 boscage12 bosches14 boshbok18 boshter12 boskage14 boskets13 boskier13 bosomed12 bosonic11 bosques18 bosquet18 bossboy14 bossdom12 bossest9 bossets9 bossier9 bossies9 bossily12 bossing10 bossism11 bostons9 bostryx19 crambos13 embosks15 embosom13 ephebos14 gangbos11 gazabos19 gazebos19 gibbose12 globose10 herbose12 imbosks15 imbosom13 jazzbos34 lavabos12 meboses11 miombos13 nocebos11 peepbos13 rhombos14 riboses9 rooibos9 sorbose9 unbosom11 verbose12 greebos10 acarbose12 antiboss10 baalebos12 boscages13 boschbok21 boshboks19 boshvark20 boskages15 boskiest14 bosomier12 bosoming13 bosquets19 bossboys15 bossdoms13 bossiest10 bossings11 bossisms12 bostangi11 bosthoon13 caboshed16 deboshed15 deboshes14 debossed12 debosses11 disbosom13 embosked17 embosoms14 embossed13 embosser12 embosses12 fynboses16 imbosked17 imbosoms14 imbossed13 imbosses12 kiboshed18 kiboshes17 kottabos14 kyboshed21 kyboshes20 nelumbos12 oviboses13 peekabos16 placebos14 ribosome12 sorboses10 theorbos13 unbosoms12 verboser13 globoses11 biturbos12 umeboshi15 acarboses13 bosberaad14 boschboks22 boschvark23 boschveld20 boshvarks21 boskiness15 bosomiest13 bossiness11 bostangis12 bosthoons14 bostryxes21 bulbosity16 corymbose18 deboshing16 debossing13 disbosoms14 emboscata15 embosking18 embosomed16 embossers13 embossing14 gibbosity17 globosely15 globosity15 imbosking18 imbosomed16 imbossing14 kiboshing19 kyboshing22 proboscis15 ribosomal13 ribosomes13 rooiboses11 roshambos16 semihobos16 suboscine13 thrombose16 unbosomed14 unbosomer13 underboss12 verbosely17 verbosest14 verbosity17 umeboshis16 algarrobos13 ambosexual21 bosberaads15 boschvarks24 boschvelds21 bossyboots17 disbosomed16 disembosom17 emboscatas16 embosoming17 embossable16 embossment16 imbosoming17 kottaboses16 subglobose15 suboscines14 thrombosed18 thromboses17 thrombosis17 turboshaft18 unbosomers14 unbosoming15 embossings15 angwantibos17 boskinesses17 bossinesses13 bossnapping18 bulbosities15 corymbosely23 deoxyribose24 disbosoming17 disembosoms18 embossments17 gibbosities16 globoseness14 globosities14 lumbosacral17 nimbostrati15 proboscides18 proboscises17 stroboscope17 superjumbos24 thrombosing19 turboshafts19 underbosses14 verboseness16 verbosities16 bossnappings19 deoxyriboses25 desoxyribose25 disembosomed20 nimbostratus16 polyribosome21 proboscidean19 proboscidian19 stroboscopes18 stroboscopic20 desoxyriboses26 disembosoming21 globosenesses16 plumbosolvent22 polyribosomal22 polyribosomes22 proboscideans20 proboscidians20 verbosenesses18 plumbosolvency28 stroboscopical22 phleboscleroses24 phlebosclerosis24
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