Eff is valid Scrabble Word

Is eff a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is eff valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EFF in dictionary:

Words related to EFF

effed12 effing13 effings14 effs10

Words that contain EFF

effs10 jeff17 meff12 teff10 deffo12 effed12 jeffs18 meffs13 reffo11 teffs11 cheffy20 deffer13 deffly16 efface14 effect14 effeir12 effere12 effete12 effigy16 effing13 efflux19 effort12 effray15 effuse12 jeffed20 keffel16 reffed13 reffos12 beffana15 cheffed19 deffest14 effable15 effaced16 effacer15 effaces15 effects15 effeirs13 effendi14 effered14 efferes13 effings14 efforce15 efforts13 effrays16 effulge14 effused14 effuses13 jeffing21 keffels17 reffing14 beffanas16 cheffier19 cheffing20 coeffect18 effacers16 effacing17 effected17 effecter16 effector16 effeired15 effendis15 efferent14 effering15 effetely17 efficacy21 effierce16 effigial15 effigies15 effluent14 effluvia17 effluxes21 efforced17 efforces16 effraide15 effulged16 effulges15 effusing15 effusion14 effusive17 greffier15 griefful15 keffiyah24 keffiyeh24 reffings15 cheffiest20 coeffects19 effecters17 effecting18 effective20 effectors17 effectual17 effeiring16 efference17 efferents15 efficient17 effierced18 effierces17 effluence17 effluents15 effluvial18 effluvium20 Show more ...

How to use EFF in a sentence

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