Dols is valid Scrabble Word

Is dols a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dols valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DOLS in dictionary:

Words related to DOLS


Words that contain DOLS

idols6 aldols7 indols7 amidols10 ockodols15 haloperidols18

How to use DOLS in a sentence

Similar words containing DOL without suffix s

dol4 dole5 doll5 dolt5 idol5 aldol6 dolce8 dolci8 doled7 doles6 dolia6 dolls6 dolly9 dolma8 dolor6 dolos6 dolts6 idola6 idols6 indol6 aldols7 amidol9 dolces9 dolent7 dolina7 doline7 doling8 dolium9 dollar7 dolled8 dollop9 dolman9 dolmas9 dolmen9 dolors7 dolour7 eidola7 idolon7 idolum9 indole7 indols7 amidols10 condole10 doleful11 dolente8 dolinas8 dolines8 dollars8 dolldom11 dollied9 dollier8 dollies8 dolling9 dollish11 dollops10 dolmans10 dolmens10 dolosse8 dolours8 dolphin13 doltish11 eidolic10 eidolon8 gondola9 idolise8 idolism10 idolist8 idolize17 indoles8 mandola10 ragdoll9 aldolase9 babydoll16 codology15 condoled12 condoler11 condoles11 dolcetto11 doldrums12 dolerite9 dolesome11 dolichos14 dollared10 dolldoms12 dollhood13 dolliers9 dolloped12 dollying13 dolmades12 dolmenic13 dolomite11 doloroso9 dolorous9 dolphins14 eidolons9 gondolas10 havdoloh18 idolater9 idolator9 idolatry12 idolised10 idoliser9 idolises9 idolisms11 idolists9 idolized19 idolizer18 idolizes18 indolent9 kidology17 mandolas11 mandolin11 ockodols15 pedology15 podology15 redolent9 ragdolls10 agrodolce13 aldolases10 babydolls17 bandoleer12 bandoleon12 bandolero12 bandolier12 bandoline12 condolent12 condolers12 condoling13 dolabrate12 dolcettos12 dolefully16 dolerites10 doleritic12 dolichuri15 dollarise10 dollarize19 dollhoods14 dollhouse13 dolliness10 dollishly16 dolloping13 dollybird16 dolomites12 dolomitic14 dolorific15 dolostone10 dolphinet15 doltishly16 endolymph20 farandole13 gadolinic13 girandola11 girandole11 gondolier11 havdolohs19 idolaters10 idolators10 idolisers10 idolising11 idolizers19 idolizing20 indolence12 indolency15 iprindole12 iridology14 mandoline12 mandolins12 nondollar10 paedology16 pedologic15 redolence12 redolency15 rhodolite13 subdolous12 adolescent13 agrodolces14 bandoleers13 bandoleons13 bandoleros13 bandoliers13 bandolined14 bandolines13 bardolater13 bardolatry16 codologies14 condolence15 dolcelatte13 dolcemente15 dolefuller14 dolesomely16 dolichoses16 dolichurus16 dollarbird14 dollarfish17 dollarised12 dollarises11 dollarized21 dollarizes20 dollarless11 dollarship16 dollhouses14 dollybirds17 dolomitise13 dolomitize22 dolorously14 dolostones11 dolphinets16 endolithic16 endolymphs21 eurodollar11 farandoles14 gadolinite12 gadolinium14 girandolas12 girandoles12 gondoliers12 idolatress11 idolatries11 idolatrise11 idolatrize20 idolatrous11 idoloclast13 indolences13 indolently14 iprindoles13 kidologies16 kidologist16 lepidolite13 lordolatry14 mandolines13 monadology17 pareidolia13 pedologies14 pedologist14 podologies14 podologist14 pseudology17 redolences13 redolently14 rhabdolith19 rhodolites14 ripidolite13 rondoletto11 socdolager14 socdoliger14 socdologer14 sogdolager13 sogdoliger13 sogdologer13 theodolite14 adolescence16 adolescents14 bandoleered15 bandoliered15 bandolining15 bardolaters14 condolatory17 condolement16 condolences16 condolingly18 crocidolite16 dolabriform19 dolcelattes14 dolefullest15 dolefulness15 dollarbirds15 dollarising13 dollarizing22 dollarships17 dollinesses12 dollishness15 dolomitised15 dolomitises14 dolomitized24 dolomitizes23 dolorimetry17 dolphinaria17 dolphinfish23 doltishness15 eurodollars12 gadolinites13 gadoliniums15 haloperidol17 idolatrised13 idolatriser12 idolatrises12 idolatrized22 idolatrizer21 idolatrizes21 idolisation12 idolization21 idoloclasts14 indolencies14 iridologies13 iridologist13 kidologists17 lepidolites14 mandolinist14 methodology21 orchidology21
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