Divi is valid Scrabble Word

Is divi a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is divi valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DIVI in dictionary:

Words related to DIVI

divied11 divis9 divo8 divvy15 divying15

Words that contain DIVI

divis9 divide11 divied11 divine10 diving11 divisi10 divided13 divider12 divides12 divined12 diviner11 divines11 divings12 divisim13 divisor11 dividant13 dividend14 dividers13 dividing14 dividivi16 dividual13 divinely15 diviners12 divinest12 divinify18 divining13 divinise12 divinity15 divinize21 division12 divisive15 divisors12 redivide13 undivine12 updiving15 dividable16 dividedly18 dividends15 dividings15 dividivis17 dividuous14 divinable15 divinator13 divinised14 divinises13 divinized23 divinizes22 divisible15 divisibly18 divisions13 individua14 khedivial20 misdivide16 redivided15 redivides14 redivivus16 skydiving21 subdivide16 undivided15 divination14 divinators14 divinatory17 divineness14 divineress14 divinified18 divinifies17 divinising15 divinities14 divinizing24 divisional14 divisively20 freediving18 individual15 individuum17 khediviate21 misdivided18 misdivides17 nosediving15 recidivism18 recidivist16 redividing16 redivision14 semidivine16 skydivings22 subdivided18 subdivider17 subdivides17 dividedness17 divinations15 divinifying22 divisionary18 divisionism17 divisionist15 freedivings19 incendivity20 individable18 individuals16 individuate16 indivisible17 indivisibly20 khediviates22 Show more ...

How to use DIVI in a sentence

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