Disgestion is valid Scrabble Word

Is disgestion a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is disgestion valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for DISGESTION in dictionary:

Words related to DISGESTION

digestion11 disgestions13

Words that contain DISGESTION


How to use DISGESTION in a sentence

Similar words containing GES without suffix tion and without prefix dis

ages5 gest5 cages8 doges7 edges7 egest6 gages7 gesse6 gesso6 geste6 gests6 leges6 loges6 luges6 mages8 pages8 rages6 reges6 sages6 tiges6 toges6 urges6 veges9 wages9 yages9 adages8 agoges8 badges10 barges9 beiges9 bilges9 binges9 bodges10 bouges9 budges10 bulges9 cadges10 cerges9 conges9 digest8 dinges8 dirges8 dodges9 egesta7 egests7 eloges7 etages7 fadges11 fidges11 forges10 friges10 fudges11 gadges9 gauges8 gessed8 gesses7 gestes7 gestic9 ginges8 gorges8 gouges8 greges8 gunges8 gurges8 hedges11 henges10 hinges10 hugest10 images9 ingest7 judges15 kedges12 kluges11 larges7 ledges8 legges8 lieges7 ligges8 lodges8 longes7 lunges7 madges10 manges9 marges9 menges9 merges9 midges10 minges9 modges10 mudges10 munges9 nudges8 parges9 peages9 phages12 plages9 podges10 pogges10 porges9 pudges10 purges9 radges8 ranges7 regest7 ridges8 rouges7 sagest7 sarges7 sedges8 serges7 sieges7 singes7 stages7 surges7 swages10 targes7 tenges7 tinges7 usages7 vegges11 venges10 verges10 virges10 vouges10 wadges11 wedges11 wenges10 winges10 wodges11 hygges14 abreges10 achages13 agreges9 alegges9 algeses8 algesia8 algesic10 algesis8 alleges8 alnages8 ambages12 anlages8 avenges11 bareges10 bargest10 beigest10 biggest11 bludges11 blunges10 bocages12 borages10 bridges11 burgess10 cepages12 changes13 charges13 cierges10 congest10 cowages13 cringes10 cubages12 damages11 deluges9 digests9 diriges9 disgest9 doggess10 dosages9 dotages9 dredges10 drudges10 eatages8 egested9 emerges10 emonges10 emulges10 emunges10 encages10 engages9 ennages8 enrages8 flanges11 fledges12 forages11 fridges12 fringes11 fumages13 galages9 garages9 gavages12 gessing9 gessoed9 gessoes8 gestalt8 gestant8 gestapo10 gestate8 gesture8 gledges10 glurges9 granges9 greiges9 grudges10 grunges9 hidages12 hirages11 homages13 incages10 ingesta8 ingests8 innages8 kludges13 langest8 largess8 largest8 lavages11 lengest8 linages8 longest8 lounges8 lovages11 lynages11 manages10 maneges10 menages10 metages10 milages10 mirages10 murages10 nonages8 noodges9 oarages8 obliges10 ohmages13 oranges8 outages8 parages10 pavages13 peenges10 pelages10 pipages12 pledges11 plodges11 plonges10 plunges10 potages10 radgest9 raunges8 ravages11 refuges11 regests8 remiges10 reneges8 reurges8 rivages11 romages10 saulges8 savages11 scunges10 sewages11 silages8 sledges9 sludges9 smidges11 smooges10 smudges11 snudges9 socages10 sorages8 sparges10 sponges10 spunges10 spurges10 stinges8 stodges9 stooges8 storges8 suggest9 swinges11 tirages8 towages11 triages8 trudges9 tubages10 twinges11 ullages8 uncages10 unedges9 visages11 voulges11 voyages14 whinges14 dangest9 abridges12 abusages11 accinges13 acreages11 adjudges18 ajutages16 algesias9
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