Dif is valid Scrabble Word

Is dif a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dif valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DIF in dictionary:

Words related to DIF

diff11 difs8

Words that contain DIF

diff11 difs8 diffs12 edify12 codify15 differ13 ladify13 modify15 nidify13 acidify16 dandify15 differs14 difform16 diffuse14 edifice13 edified12 edifier11 edifies11 mundify16 reedify14 codified15 codifier14 codifies14 differed16 diffract17 diffused16 diffuser15 diffuses15 diffusor15 edifices14 edifiers12 edifying16 fluidify18 humidify20 ladified13 ladifies12 lapidify17 modified15 modifier14 modifies14 nidified13 nidifies12 pediform16 reaedify15 recodify17 remodify17 rigidify16 solidify15 trendify15 acidified16 acidifier15 acidifies15 codifiers15 codifying19 commodify22 cordiform17 dandified15 dandifies14 deacidify19 different16 differing17 difficile18 difficult18 diffident17 diffluent16 diffracts18 diffusely19 diffusers16 diffusing17 diffusion16 diffusive19 diffusors16 edificial15 ladifying17 lapidific17 modifiers15 modifying19 mundified16 mundifies15 nidifying17 odiferous13 premodify20 reaedifye16 reedified14 reedifies13 acidifiers16 acidifying20 codifiable18 dandifying19 dehumidify23 difference19 differency22 difficulty22 diffidence20 difformity22 diffracted20 diffusedly21 diffusible19 diffusions17 edifyingly21 fluidified18 Show more ...
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