Destining is valid Scrabble Word

Is destining a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is destining valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DESTINING in dictionary:

Words related to DESTINING

destine8 destined10 destines9

Words that contain DESTINING


Similar words containing STIN without suffix ing and without prefix de

sting6 stink9 stint5 postin8 stinge7 stingo7 stings7 stingy10 stinko10 stinks10 stinky13 stints6 stinty9 basting10 besting10 busting10 casting10 costing10 cystine12 destine8 destiny11 dusting9 easting8 elastin7 fasting11 fisting11 fusting11 gasting9 gusting9 hasting11 histing11 hosting11 jesting15 justing15 kesting12 kisting12 lasting8 lesting8 listing8 lusting8 masting10 mestino9 misting10 musting10 nesting8 ousting8 pastina9 pasting10 posting10 postins9 resting8 rosting8 rusting8 sestina7 sestine7 sisting8 stinged9 stinger8 stinges8 stingos8 stinker11 stinted8 stinter7 tasting8 testing8 vesting11 wasting11 westing11 wisting11 zesting17 adusting10 agasting10 agisting10 bastings11 beasting11 beesting11 blasting11 boasting11 boosting11 brasting11 brusting11 buisting11 bursting11 bustings11 castings11 chesting14 coasting11 colistin10 costings11 cresting11 crostini10 crostino10 crusting11 cystines13 destined10 destines9 distinct11 dustings10 eastings9 egesting10 elastins8 existing16 fastings12 feasting12 fistings12 foisting12 fristing12 frosting12 ghasting13 ghosting13 giusting10 guesting10 hastings12 heisting12 hoasting12 hoisting12 hostings12 hustings12 instinct10 jestings16 joisting16 jousting16 lastings9 listings9 mestinos10 mistings11 moisting11 mousting11 muisting11 nestings9 ostinati8 ostinato8 pastinas10 pastings11 postings11 presting11 pristine10 questing18 reasting9 reesting9 reisting9 restings9 roasting9 roisting9 roosting9 rousting9 roysting12 rustings9 sestinas8 sestines8 stingers9 stingier9 stingies9 stingily12 stinging10 stingray12 stinkard13 stinkbug15 stinkers12 stinkier12 stinking13 stinkpot14 stinters8 stintier8 stinting9 tastings9 testings9 toasting9 trusting9 trysting12 twisting12 vestings12 waisting12 wastings12 westings12 whisting15 worsting12 wrasting12 wresting12 wristing12 yeasting12 abstinent11 accosting14 adjusting18 arresting10 asbestine11 assisting10 attesting10 bastinade12 bastinado12 beastings12 bedusting13 beestings12 bemisting14 biestings12 blastings12 boastings12 breasting12 broasting12 bustiness11 celestine11 coastings12 cohosting15 colistins11 crestings12 crostinis11 degusting12 delisting11 demasting13 demisting13 desisting11 destinate10 destinies10 detesting11 devesting14 digesting12 distingue11 divesting14 dustiness10 encysting15 enlisting10 feastings13 festinate12 forestine12 foresting13 frostings13 frowsting16 fustiness12 ghostings14 gustiness10 hairsting13 hastiness12 hoistings13 impasting14 imposting14 infesting13 ingesting11 insisting10 instincts11 intestine9 investing13 jestingly20 joustings17 lastingly13 locusting12 lustiness9 mestinoes11 mistiness11 molesting12 mustiness11 nastiness9 obstinacy16 obstinate11 obtesting12 ostinatos9 overstink16 pastiness11 priesting12 progestin12 questings19 recasting12 regesting11 relisting10 renesting10 repasting12 reposting12 resisting10 retasting10 retesting10 revesting13 riposting12 roastings10 rustiness9 stingaree10 stingbull12 stingfish16 stingiest10 stingings11 stingless10 stingrays13 stinkards14 stinkbird16 stinkbugs16 stinkeroo13 stinkhorn16 stinkiest13 stinkpots15 stinkweed17 stinkwood17 stintedly13 stintiest9 stintings10 stintless9 sustinent9 tastiness9 testiness9 thirsting13 thristing13 thrusting13 toastings10
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