Decans is valid Scrabble Word

Is decans a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is decans valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DECANS in dictionary:

Words related to DECANS


How to use DECANS in a sentence

Similar words containing CAN without suffix s and without prefix de

can5 cane6 cang7 cann6 cans6 cant6 cany9 scan6 canal7 candy11 caned8 caneh10 caner7 canes7 cangs8 canid8 canna7 canns7 canny10 canoe7 canon7 canso7 canst7 canto7 cants7 canty10 decan8 pecan9 pucan9 scand8 scans7 scant7 tacan7 acanth11 arcana8 arcane8 ashcan11 canada9 canals8 canape10 canard9 canary11 cancan10 cancel10 cancer10 cancha13 candid10 candie9 candle9 candor9 canehs11 caners8 canful11 cangle9 cangue9 canids9 canier8 canine8 caning9 canker12 cankle12 cannae8 cannas8 canned9 cannel8 canner8 cannie8 cannon8 cannot8 canoed9 canoer8 canoes8 canola8 canons8 canopy13 cansos8 cantal8 cantar8 canted9 canter8 canthi11 cantic10 cantle8 canton8 cantor8 cantos8 cantus8 canula8 canvas11 canyon11 decane9 decani9 decant9 glucan9 glycan12 incant8 jacana15 oilcan8 pecans10 pucans10 recane8 recant8 scants8 scanty11 secant8 siccan10 tacans8 toucan8 vacant11 vulcan11 wiccan13 acantha12 acanthi12 acanths12 agacant10 alicant9 arcanas9 arcanum11 ashcans12 baracan11 canadas10 canakin13 canaled10 canapes11 canards10 canasta9 canbank15 cancans11 cancels11 cancers11 canchas14 candela10 candent10 candida11 candids11 candied11 candies10 candiru10 candled11 candler10 candles10 candock16 candors10 candour10 canella9 canfuls12 cangled11 cangles10 cangues10 caniest9 canikin13 canines9 canings10 cankers13 cankery16 cankles13 cannach14 cannels9 canners9 cannery12 cannier9 cannily12 canning10 cannoli9 cannons9 cannula9 canoers9 canolas9 canonic11 canonry12 canopic13 cansful12 cantala9 cantals9 cantars9 cantata9 cantate9 cantdog11 canteen9 canters9 cantest9 canthal12 canthic14 canthus12 cantico11 cantier9 cantily12 cantina9 canting10 cantion9 cantled10 cantles9 cantlet9 cantons9 cantors9 cantrap11 cantred10 cantref12 cantrip11 canulae9 canular9 canulas9 canvass12 canyons12 canzona18 canzone18 canzoni18 chicana14 chicane14 chicano14 cooncan11 decanal10 decanes10 decants10 descant10 discant10 emicant11 glucans10 glycans13 incants9 indican10 jacanas16 mohican14 oilcans9 peccant13 pelican11 pemican13 picante11 recaned10 recanes9 recants9 scandal10 scandia10 scandic12 scanned10 scanner9 scanted10 scanter9 scantle9 scantly12 secants9 shitcan12 toucans9 uncanny12 vacance14 vacancy17 volcano12 vulcans12 wiccans14 abdicant13 acanthae13 acanthas13 acanthin13 acanthus13 agacante11 alicants10 arcanely13 arcanist10 arcanums12 baracans12 barbican14 barracan12 billycan15 calcanea12 calcanei12 canaigre11 canaille10 canakins14 canaling11 canalise10 canalize19 canalled11 canaller10 canaried11 canaries10 canastas10 canaster10 canbanks16 canceled13 canceler12 cancelli12 cancered13 cancrine12 cancroid13 candelas11 candidal12 candidas12 candider12 candidly15 candirus11 candlers11 candling12 candocks17 candours11 candying15 candyman16 candymen16 canegrub13 canellas10 canephor15
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