Costus is valid Scrabble Word

Is costus a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is costus valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for COSTUS in dictionary:

Words related to COSTUS


Words that contain COSTUS


How to use COSTUS in a sentence

Similar words containing STU without suffix s and without prefix co

stub6 stud5 stum6 stun4 astun5 stubs7 stuck11 stude6 studs6 study9 stuff11 stull5 stulm7 stumm9 stump9 stums7 stung6 stunk9 stuns5 stunt5 stupa7 stupe7 sture5 sturt5 astuns6 astute6 bestud9 cestui8 cestus8 cistus8 dustup9 stubby13 stucco10 stucks12 studio7 studly10 stuffs12 stuffy15 stuggy11 stulls6 stulms8 stumer8 stumps10 stumpy13 stunts6 stupas8 stuped9 stupes8 stupid9 stupor8 sturdy10 sturts6 xystus16 dastur7 astuter7 bestuck15 bestuds10 caestus9 cestuis9 costume11 distune8 disturb10 dustups10 estuary10 fistula10 frustum12 gesture8 mistune9 pasture9 posture9 pustule9 restudy11 restuff13 restump11 stubbed12 stubbie11 stubble11 stubbly14 stuccos11 studded10 studden9 studdie9 studdle9 student8 studied9 studier8 studies8 studios8 stuffed14 stuffer13 stuiver10 stumble11 stumbly14 stumers9 stummed12 stummel11 stumped12 stumper11 stunned8 stunner7 stunted8 stupefy15 stupent9 stupids10 stuping10 stupors9 sturmer9 sturnus7 sturted8 stushie10 stutter7 testudo8 unstuck13 unstuft10 unstung8 vesture10 asbestus10 astucity13 astunned9 astutely11 astutest8 beestung11 blastula10 cestuses10 cistuses10 costumed13 costumer12 costumes12 costumey15 costuses10 custumal12 distuned10 distunes9 disturbs11 dyestuff18 fastuous11 fistulae11 fistular11 fistulas11 frustule11 frustums13 gestural9 gestured10 gesturer9 gestures9 mistuned11 mistunes10 mistutor10 moisture10 outstudy12 outstunt8 pastural10 pastured11 pasturer10 pastures10 pigstuck17 postural10 postured11 posturer10 postures10 pustular10 pustuled11 pustules10 restuffs14 restumps12 stubbier12 stubbies12 stubbily15 stubbing13 stubbled13 stubbles12 stubborn12 stuccoed13 stuccoer12 stuccoes12 studbook15 studdies10 studding11 studdles10 students9 studenty12 studfarm14 studfish15 studiers9 studious9 studlier9 studwork16 studying13 stuffers14 stuffier14 stuffily17 stuffing15 stuggier10 stuivers11 stukkend17 stultify14 stumbled13 stumbler12 stumbles12 stummels12 stumming13 stumpage13 stumpers12 stumpier12 stumpies12 stumpily15 stumping13 stunkard13 stunners8 stunning9 stunsail8 stunting9 stuntman10 stuntmen10 stupider11 stupidly14 stuprate10 sturdied10 sturdier9 sturdies9 sturdily12 sturgeon9 sturmers10 sturnine8 sturnoid9 sturting9 stushies11 stutters8 testudos9 unstuffy17 ustulate8 vestural11 vestured12 vesturer11 vestures11 studlike13 angostura10 astucious11 astunning10 bestudded14 blastulae11 blastular11 blastulas11 caestuses11 costumers13 costumery16 costumier13 costuming14 custumals13 custumary16 depasture12 distuning11 disturbed13 disturber12 divesture13 dyestuffs19 estuarial9 estuarian9 estuaries9 estuarine9 exposture18 feedstuff19 fistulate12 fistulose12 fistulous12 foodstuff19 frustules12 gesturers10 gesturing11 handsturn13 impostume15 imposture13 mistuning12 mistutors11 moistures11 orestunck15 outstunts9 overstudy16 overstuff18 overstunk16 pasturage12 pasturers11 pasturing12 postulant11 postulata11 postulate11 posturers11 posturing12 posturise11 posturist11 posturize20 pustulant11 pustulate11 pustulous11 repasture11 restudied11 restudies10 restuffed16 restumped14 stubbiest13
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