Cor is valid Scrabble Word

Is cor a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cor valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COR in dictionary:

Words related to COR


Words that contain COR

cord7 core6 corf9 cork10 corm8 corn6 cors6 cory9 acorn7 coral7 coram9 corbe9 corby12 cords8 cored8 corer7 cores7 corey10 corgi8 coria7 corks11 corky14 corms9 corni7 corno7 corns7 cornu7 corny10 corps9 corse7 corso7 decor8 mucor9 score7 scorn7 accord11 acorns8 ancora8 bicorn10 corals8 corban10 corbel10 corbes10 corbie10 corded10 corder9 cordon9 corers8 coreys11 corgis9 cories8 coring9 corium10 corked13 corker12 corkir12 cormel10 cormus10 cornea8 corned9 cornel8 corner8 cornet8 cornua8 cornus8 corody12 corona8 corozo17 corpse10 corpus10 corral8 correa8 corrie8 corsac10 corses8 corset8 corsey11 corsos8 cortex15 cortin8 corvee11 corves11 corvet11 corvid12 corvus11 corymb15 coryza20 decors9 encore8 escort8 mucors10 rancor8 record9 recork12 scorch13 scored9 scorer8 scores8 scoria8 scorns8 Show more ...

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