Compas is valid Scrabble Word

Is compas a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is compas valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for COMPAS in dictionary:

Words related to COMPAS


Words that contain COMPAS

compass13 compast13 compassed16 compasses15 encompass15 compassing17 compassion16 compassable19 compassings18 compassions17 encompassed18 encompasses17 gyrocompass21 astrocompass18 compassioned19 encompassing19 compassionate19 compassioning20 encompassment21 gyrocompasses23 astrocompasses20 compassionable22 compassionated21 compassionates20 compassionless20 encompassments22 compassionately24 compassionating22 uncompassionate21 compassionatene21 compassionateness23 compassionatenesses25

How to use COMPAS in a sentence

Similar words containing MPA without suffix s and without prefix co

gompa10 limpa9 pampa11 empale10 empare10 emparl10 empart10 gompas11 grampa11 impact12 impair10 impala10 impale10 impark14 imparl10 impart10 impave13 impawn13 jampan17 lampad11 lampas10 limpas10 oompah13 pampas12 sampan10 simpai10 tampan10 tympan13 empath13 ampassy14 campana13 champac18 champak20 compact15 compage14 compand14 company16 compare13 compart13 compass13 compast13 empaire11 empaled12 empaler11 empales11 empanel11 empared12 empares11 emparls11 emparts11 empathy17 empayre14 frampal14 grampas12 impacts13 impaint11 impairs11 impalas11 impaled12 impaler11 impales11 impanel11 imparks15 imparls11 imparts11 impasse11 impaste11 impasto11 impaved15 impaves14 impavid15 impawns14 jampani18 jampans18 lampads12 mampara13 oompahs14 pompano13 rampage12 rampant11 rampart11 sampans11 simpais11 tampala11 tampans11 timpana11 timpani11 timpano11 tympana14 tympani14 tympano14 tympans14 tympany17 champas16 campagna15 campagne15 campaign15 campanas14 champaca19 champacs19 champaks21 champart17 chinampa17 compacts16 compadre15 compages15 compands15 compared15 comparer14 compares14 comparts14 empacket18 empaired13 empaires12 empalers12 empaling13 empanada13 empanels12 emparing13 emparled13 emparted13 empathic17 empatron12 empayred16 empayres15 impacted15 impacter14 impactor14 impaints12 impaired13 impairer12 impalers12 impaling13 impanate12 impanels12 impannel12 imparity15 imparked17 imparled13 imparted13 imparter12 impasses12 impasted13 impastes12 impastos12 impaving16 impawned16 jampanee19 jampanis19 jumpable21 lampases12 lampasse12 mamparas14 oompahed16 pampases14 pompanos14 pumpable16 rampaged14 rampager13 rampages13 rampancy17 ramparts12 rampauge13 stumpage13 sympathy21 sympatry18 tampalas12 timpanas12 timpanum14 tympanal15 tympanic17 tympanum17 ampacity17 accompany20 ampassies13 campagnas16 campaigns16 campanero15 campanile15 campanili15 campanist15 campanula15 champacas20 champagne19 champaign19 champarts18 chempaduk23 chinampas18 compacted18 compacter17 compactly20 compactor17 compadres16 companded17 compander16 compandor16 companied16 companies15 companing16 companion15 comparers15 comparing16 comparted16 compassed16 compasses15 empackets19 empaestic15 empairing14 empanadas14 empaneled14 empanoply18 emparling14 emparting14 empathies16 empathise16 empathist16 empathize25 empatrons13 empayring17 encompass15 impacable17 impacters15 impactful18 impacting16 impaction15 impactite15 impactive18 impactors15 impainted14 impairers13 impairing14 impaneled14 impannels13 imparking18 imparling14 imparters13 impartial13 imparting14 impassion13 impassive16 impasting14 impastoed14 impatiens13 impatient13 impavidly20 impawning17 incompact17 jampacked27 jampanees20 lampadary17 lampadist14 lampasses13 nonimpact15 oompahing17 pompadour16 rampagers14 rampaging15 rampantly16 ramparted14 rampauged15 rampauges14 recompact17 simpatico15 stumpages14 sympathin19 sympatico18 sympatric18 timpanist13 timpanums15 tympanics18 tympanies16 tympanist16 tympanums18 oompahpah21 campaigned18 campaigner17 campaneros16 campaniles16 campanists16 campanular16 campanulas16 champagnes20 champaigns20 chempaduks24 chimpanzee28 compacters18 compactest18 compactify24 compacting19 compaction18 compactors18 compacture18 companders17 companding18 compandors17 companions16 companying20 comparable18 comparably21 comparator16
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