Collying is valid Scrabble Word

Is collying a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is collying valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COLLYING in dictionary:

Words related to COLLYING

collied10 collies9 colly10

Similar words containing LLY without suffix ing and without prefix co

ally7 illy7 allyl8 bally10 belly10 billy10 bully10 colly10 cully10 dally9 delly9 dilly9 dolly9 dully9 felly11 filly11 folly11 fully11 gally9 gelly9 gilly9 golly9 gully9 hilly11 holly11 hully11 jelly15 jolly15 kelly12 lolly8 molly10 nelly8 pally10 polly10 pully10 rally8 sally8 silly8 sully8 tally8 telly8 tilly8 tolly8 wally11 welly11 willy11 wolly11 allyls9 allyou9 anally9 billyo11 brolly11 chally14 chilly14 coolly11 drolly10 dually10 egally10 evilly12 foully12 frilly12 knolly13 leally9 orally9 ovally12 prolly11 railly9 rallye9 really9 scally11 shelly12 skelly13 skilly13 skolly13 smelly11 snelly9 stilly9 swally12 tellys9 trolly9 twilly12 whally15 whilly15 wholly15 woolly12 allying11 allylic12 aphylly18 areally10 aurally10 awfully16 axially17 banally12 basally12 billyoh15 billyos12 cavally15 cecally14 civilly15 cruelly12 disally11 ducally13 equally19 fatally13 finally13 focally15 frailly13 fugally14 gyrally14 hallyon13 hazelly22 ideally11 injelly17 jollyer17 jurally17 legally11 levelly13 locally12 loyally13 mesally12 metally12 misally12 modally13 morally12 nasally10 navally13 nodally11 novelly13 papally14 penally12 rallyes10 ravelly13 regally11 retally10 royally13 rurally10 schelly15 shrilly13 squally19 tallyho13 thrilly13 tidally11 tonally10 totally10 usually10 vagally14 venally13 virally13 vitally13 vocally15 vowelly16 wofully16 zonally19 aborally13 actually13 aerially11 aimfully16 amorally13 animally13 annually11 anodally12 apically15 artfully14 astrally11 atonally11 ballyard14 ballyhoo16 ballyrag14 bellyful16 bellying14 billyboy18 billycan15 billyohs16 bridally14 brutally13 buccally17 bullyboy18 bullying14 bullyism15 bullyrag14 caecally15 carnally13 casually13 caudally14 causally13 chorally16 clinally13 clonally13 coevally16 coitally13 collyria13 costally13 cullying14 cullyism15 dallying13 dentally12 dismally14 distally12 dollying13 doolally12 dorsally12 epically15 facially16 faunally14 fernally14 festally14 feudally15 filially14 fiscally16 fitfully17 florally14 follying15 formally16 frugally15 gallying13 genially12 gillying13 gillyvor15 gingelly13 globally14 gollying13 gollywog16 gorbelly14 gospelly14 gravelly15 gullying13 hallyons14 irefully14 jellying19 jollyers18 jollying19 jovially21 joyfully24 kernelly15 labially13 laically13 lallygag13 lawfully17 lethally14 lineally11 loblolly13 lollygag13 lollypop15 manfully16 manually13 medially14 menially13 mentally13 mesially13 mortally13 mutually13 neurally11 normally13 nounally11 outbully13 pallying14 plurally13 pollywig17 pollywog17 postally13 potbelly15 primally15 pulpally15 racially13 radially12 rallying12 rallyist11 rascally13 rectally13 redbelly14 retrally11 ritually11 ruefully14 sallying12 serially11 sexually18 signally12 sinfully14 snivelly14 socially13 sowbelly16 spinally13 spirally13 sullying12 tallyhos14 tallying12 tallyman13 tallymen13 tarnally11 tasselly11 tinselly11 trevally14 tribally13 tunbelly13 uncially13 unreally11 usefully14 venially14 verbally16 vernally14
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